Jumat, 16 Mei 2008

Green Power - The fastest, easiest way to stop Global Warming.

Fast facts about green power

Wind Farm producing Green PowerGreen power lets you buy electricity generated by renewable energy sources like solar or wind generators.

Here's how it works: your electricity provider buys power from a renewable electricity supplier to match the amount you use. Then they charge you a few extra cents per unit on your regular bill.

Once you sign up you will still get your electricity delievered in the same way. No changes are actually made to your electricity supply. And the actual electrons that enter your house may not come directly from a renewable source - the only way to do that would be to install a separate 'greenpower' cable to your house. What happens though is that the overall amount of environmentally friendly electricity within the power grid is increased.

Hot Tips - How I switched to Green Power

I checked this out on my local electricity supplier's website and got the whole thing set up within about 5 minutes. And the benefit to the environment will be significant. Within my house, my wife and I use about 10 units of electricity per day. By converting to Green power we are saving about 300kg of CO2 from entering the environment each month. That's 3.6 tonnes per year. And the additional cost to me is only about $9 per month. Pretty worthwhile I reckon. Five minutes to setup, no change to my lifestyle and only a few dollars extra on each bill. That's the kind of change I like!

If you are able to afford the few extra dollars this costs then I highly Recommend this change. But if you are on a particularly tight budget check with your electricity supplier about buying just a portion of your power as Green Power. My supplier allows it's users to choose any percentage they like as Green Power - I chose 100% and feel great knowing that when I leave a light on I'm not harming the environment!

Now this is just a start though. It's still worth cutting your overall power usage because even though solar panels produce no greenhouse gases they still require energy to manufacture. Apart from that it seems like a good idea to save some money at the same time as saving the world!

You'll need to contact your local electricity supplier to find out the full details and I've put a list of links to as many as I could find at the bottom of this article. Let me know if you can add anything to what I've written here or if you have further details on Green power in your local area.

Source : http://www.how-to-stop-global-warming.com

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