Sabtu, 28 Februari 2009

Who Was Suharto? (8)

When Habibie replaced Suharto and went to Aceh, Bantaqiah was then freed. Yet, this did not fit in some Suharto's soldiers . For them, Bantaqiah was also the same as armed-gun Aceh groups that rejected Pancasila, so that his existence should be erased.

On Tuesday, 22nd July 1999, TNI troops consist of any units from army and Brimob founded tents around Beutong Ateuh mountains. Though local citizens were prejudiced, as experience taught if soldiers gathered, then people blood would be scattered, yet they could not do anything. Their worry became true. There was suddenly a shooting incident to native persons who were seeking ribs. One was injured and the other escaped. This terror surely made the citizens afraid.

In the following morning of Friday, 23rd July 1999, after dawn, TNI and Brimob had silently moved reaching the boarding school. They were applied with first fight apparatus: a full bulleted gun. At 08.00 AM, TNI and Brimob had been across the river nearly the boarding school. Using reason of seeking GAM, at 09.00 AM they burnt all the citizens homes which lied only 100 meters from east boarding school. An hour then, the troops began to move to the boarding school and they encircled all the area. They screamed and yelled to the borading school asking Tengku Bantaqiah came out to see them.

Before mid Friday prayer, all the students usually listened to Tengku Bantaqiah giving the lessons of Islam. Hearing the soldiers called his name, Tengku Bantaqiah then came with one of his students. The soldiers were impatient, they came into the boarding school and made all the students kneel along the river.

The troops asked Tengku Bantaqiah to give his gun. This made Tengku confused as he did not have any, except only hoes and chopping knife to garden their fields. The troops did not believe, and pointed out an antenna installed in the roof tops of boarding school as a device to get in touch with GAM. In fact it was just a common antenna to catch radio waves. “The soldier commander asked Usman, son of Bantaqiah, to take the antenna. Usman directly moved toward his house but then a soldier hit him in the head using gun.” Feri Kusuma wrote in Jubah Putih di Beutong Ateuh. Seeing his son fell down, Bantaqiah reflexly ran to help, but at only a sudden, the troops fired him and his son cruelly. The troops also fired the students and in just a second, 50 men died instantly. The injured students were taken to a truck the same as the alive ones. The truck then went to Takengon, Central Aceh, which lied in the jungle.

In the middle of the journey to Tekangon, the students were told to get off. They were asked to kneel down in the bank of a canyon. A student jumped to the canyon and disappeared, while the soldiers immediately fired toward the direction he got lost. The students left were not known until know, but some said they were killed and their body were thrown to the canyon.

In the evening, the soldiers told the citizens to bury the bodis in the boarding school. The women were concentrated in the mosque and they were banned to see the burial. The troops then destroy all the things in the boarding school, and after satisfied, they got back with some trucks, leaving the people who only could cry and pray.

After the tragedy, the people of Beutong Ateuh could only be silent. With all their possible efforts, the students—mostly women and children—rebuilt the school and continued the educating process there. Until now, the boarding school was never completely recovered. Until this time, none of the Tengku Bantaqiah massacre actors got in the court. They are still lingering. Beutong Ateuh was only one of million tragedies in Indonesia when Suharto powered. (continued)

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Who Was Suharto? (7)

Besides taking all Aceh's resources, Suharto also conducted Aceh Muslim genocide, and the most famous was DOM or Red Web Operation (Operasi Jaring Merah, 1989-1998). Many DOM experts agreed that the brutality done in Aceh was also the same as what Serbia Militia did to Bosnian Muslims in 1990's. The wide NAD was only a mass burial of its people. The Aceh Muslims who lived in Islam's dignity for years had been insulted by Suharto.

Al-Chaidar, an-Aceh-born expert, stated, “If Cambodia under Pol Pot regime had a famous The Killing Fields, Aceh was also known as Skull Valley. In Aceh, there were 35 point of huge massacres—this was more than Cambodia's killing fields.”

One of the big cases in Aceh was the tragedy of Tengku Bantaqiah, the leader od Dayah (traditional Islamic boarding school)) Babul Nurillah in Beutong Ateuh on July 23rd, 1999. Ironically, though DOM had been officially stopped, but the brutality in Aceh never ceased. Tengku Bantaqiah with his students were the proof. The stepping down of Suharto affected nothing in Aceh. The Suharto's inheritances such as Habibie, Abdurrahman Wahid, Megawati and Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in fact kept the system.

Feri Kusuma, one of the activists of Komisi untuk Orang Hilang dan Korban Tindak Kekerasan Aceh (Missing and Abused People in Aceh) wrote in his article titled “Jubah Putih di Beutong Ateuh), “Beutong Ateuh had a long story. This region was developed since Dutch colonialism, there people of Beutong Ateuh testified. Beutong Ateuh consist of four villages; Blang Meurandeh, Blang Pu'uk, Kuta Teungoh, and Babak Suak. Its geographical condition was great for leisure. There a river through Beutong between two mountains. The mountains in Beutong were Bukit Barisan formation...”

Two years after the tragedy, Beutong Ateuh was in a horrible condition. Not only in Beutong Ateuh, but also in the entire NAD regions. Poverty was everywhere, instead Aceh was a prosperous land. Beutong Ateuh lied in the border of Central and West Aceh. From Ule Jalan to Beutong Ateuh, we would pass Batalyon post 113/Jaya Sakti in oil-palm garden. In this area, exactly in the gate, there was board titled “TNI WAR EXERCISE AREA”. About 10 km of the building, there was also board titled “SIMPANG CAMAT” pointed a settlement. Yet, no houses in this area but big trees and wide canyon. This jungle was used as a hiding place by Cut Nyak Dien.

Beutong Ateuh was not really different from Simpang Camat. In the middle of the jungle, pale white cloth waved in Dayah area. Mosque dome, some house roofs, and prayer meeting place were in front of the Beutong river.

Tengku Bantaqiah founded an Islamic boarding school at Blang Meurandeh in 1982, and named it Babul al Nurillah. Abu Bantaqiah, so that his students called him, was a famously-respected-scholar. Dayah Babul Al Nurillah taught religion value, self-defense material art, and also gardening many vegetables to be self-consumed. The Dayah activities were also no different with other Islamic school in other regions in Indonesia. Beside the student who lived in the school, there were many people came and lived for a while during the vacation to learn.

Most of the Dayah students were ex-criminal. “According to Tengku Bantaqiah, it's more useful to ask the people outside the mosque. This might be boring, but Islam was opened to anyone.” Feri Kusumah said. Bataqiah was a tough scholar, and humble. He refused to join MUI (Islamic Scholar Union). Bantaqiah didn't belong to any political party, that's why he was often accused and slandered as wrong Islam with his famous title “Gerombolan Jubah Putih.”

Aceh government tried to controlled Bantaqiah by giving him Islamic boarding school. But the location in in the Beutong Bawah, far from Babul al Nurilah. Bataqiah refused any bribes, and this made his relationship with government turned bad. He was accused as one of the GAM officials and in 1992 he was imprisoned. (continued)

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Who was Suharto? (6)

Human rights crime of Suharto was started from the most east region of Indonesia; Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD). The crime to Aceh's Muslim People was originated by VOC of Nederland, extended by Soekarno's Old Order, and cruelly mastered in Suharto's era. In the period of Suharto, NAD whose role in grasping and defending the RI Independence—mostly financially so that NAD is called “RI Money Vault”—was even turned to be the shotgun field namely Daerah Operasi Militer (DOM), 1989-1998.

NAD is a rich district of resource, especially oil and gas. Until the end of 1980's, Aceh had contributed more than 30% Indonesia's oil-gas export. In 1971, a huge LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) was found in the North of Aceh. Mobil Oil, US mining company, was given the rights to exploit it and in the next six years ahead, LNG distillery complex founded in area named Lhokseumauwe Industry Zone (LIZ).

Before this case, in East Aceh, for 30 years since 1961, Asamera, a Canadian oil company, had dug more than 450 oil wells. The natural gas founded in these wells was richer than the ones in the North Aceh. ASEAN manure company production in Aceh was nearly 90% exported, and from the procurement complex was gained US$200 million a year for selling aromatic chemistry. Paper company Kraft Aceh also produced cement cover since 1989, and from the thrifty use of this paper, the government got profit US$89 million a year, while the cement paper export gained US$43 million. In 1983, Aceh contributed 11% of Indonesian whole exports.

Suharto knew well that Aceh's resource was greatly abundant. No wonder then, he greedily took all from Aceh. Ironically, almost all the profits exploited from Aceh, were taken to Jakarta, the capital city f Indonesia. Aceh's people got nothing in return, and they remained poor and pathetic. Instead, the Jakarta government, sent thousands of soldiers to control Aceh harmless people.

In the periode of 1990's, off 27 provinces in in Indonesia, Aceh was the 7th poorest province in this country. More than 40% of 5.643 villages in Aceh befell to poverty under-standard line. It was only 10% of Aceh's villages could attained electricity. In ZIL area, it was 20% citizens who gained clean water. Others got water from mostly-polluted-dug wells.

US Researcher, Tim Kell, in his report wrote, “Friction and values crash happened between native Aceh and the urban people. The immigrants consumed beers, held dance party, and made the price in the market highly-increase. They lived luxuriously in the middle of Aceh's poverty. Industrial waste polluted the land and citizens' wells. Sea was contaminated and destructed fisherman area. Jobless people were increase, and industry failed in restructuring the Aceh's people economy fundamentally as it had never been the part of Aceh real economic life. This was one of the Suharto's efforts in developing Aceh.

Tim Kell objectively continued, “In the year of 1940's, all PUSA Islamic Scholars were disappointed as there were never Islamic rules applied in Indonesia. In 1950's, Aceh's status as a province was dismissed and merged to North Sumatera Province. Administrative government, defense and economy were taken controll by PUSA. The disappointment and the fear of losing its identity made Aceh to a rebel deed in 1953 led by Daud Beureuh.”

Under Suharto regime, everybody and every region were similarly regarded—including Aceh. Suharto was a “Majapahit-centralist” the no wonder he also considered Aceh as Majapahit, a Javanese kingdom in the past. The “special” status of Aceh was dismissed as all its authorities in the subjects of religion, education and cultural law were only above the paper. The governor was chosen under Surhato's agreement, and the regent could only exist by Suharto's permit. Aceh was even considered unworthy enough to be a host of Kodam—Military District Commando. The base was moved to Medan.

In 1990,Governor Ibrahim Hasan obliged all the elementary students to be able to read Al-Quran. This was condemned by some officials in Jakarta. Education and Culture Ministry sent a team to investigate this case. In the next few months, the education and culutre district allowed some girls students to wear veil to the schools. Jakarta was again furious and said that rule was rule. Wearing veil was banned in Suharto's era in Aceh.

Ted Robert Gurr in Why Men Rebel wrote that men would react if their way of life threatened by a new progress. Aceh's people had lost its natural resource, its work, and its way of life. They lost their husband, children, hopes, and lost everything. If there were people asked “why do Aceh people rebel against government?”, they might be dumb person. The Aceh's people has been sacrificed by New Order regime, and the patience reached its limit! (continued)

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Who Was Suharto (5)

The point of the power conversion from Bung Karno to General Suharto was a change of Indonesia economy development principles, from the own-our-work principle became defended one. April 1996, Suharto retook Indonesia joining UN. After that, May 1966, Adam Malik announced that Indonesia re-cooperated with IMF. Thus, Bung Karno once rejected them by his famous words: “Go to hell with your aid!”

To keep the exploited Indonesian’s prosperity stability, Western countries planned Repelita. More than a half of Repelita budget (1969-1974) was obtained by foreign debts. “The amount was up to US$ 877 million in the end of the periode. In 1972, the gained foreign debts since 1966 was more than the budget of Soekarno government financial plans.” (M.C. Ricklefs; Sejarah Indonesia Modern, 1200-2004; Sept 2007).

Just in months after Suharto’s power, the tends of his government to enrich themselves was getting crazier. The people were sinking into the poverty while the officials were getting rich—though they always asked the people to live humble.

The students of university viewed this new government as a wrong system. Military was kept and used as a shield to store status-quo condition. People political power was eliminated by only allowing three political parties: Golkar, PPP, and PDI. “On February 1970, the government announced that all official servants should be loyal to the government. They were not allowed to join any other political party except Golkar.” Ricklefs stated.

The demonstration strictly held if from of Pangdam Siliwangi Building and West Java Governor Building, October 9th 1970, condemned the repressive soldiers deeds. 8 orders were conveyed: was Army immune of law? Why was uniform presumed capable? Were uniforms equal to train, cinema, bus, vehicle tickets? When would Army change? Who dared to preserve Army? Was there law guarantee for people? Had we been free from law authority? (Francois Raillon; Politik dan Ideologi Mahasiswa Indonesia 1966-1974; Des 1985).

Francis Raillon wrote, “During 1972-1973, there were power arrogation around Suharto between “US group” and “Japan group”. The first was consist of technocrat minister and amount of Generals, one of the was Pangkopkamtib Jend. Soemitro. The second group was led by President Personal Assistance, General Ali Moertopo ang General Soedjono Hoemardhani.”

Suharto was a smart and tricky boss. He used all the people around him to strengthen his position. When stepping Soekarno down, Suharto gathered military force, pro-capitalism technocrats, and religious mass organization—especially Islam, to strike communism. Yet after powering Indonesia, people were abandoned. Instead, he took Christian faction Pater Beek SJ and also CSIS where Ali Moertopo was the leader, and then in 1980’s, General Leonardus Benny Moerdhani emerged as Islamophobia central figure in Indonesia.

Fully supported specially by military, there was a price that had to be paid by Suharto; partitioning the corruption, collusion, and nepotism to his officials. Thus civil power had no mean at all. Whoever was opposite with him would be labeled as Anti-Pancasila. During 1970-1980’s, no harmful civil force emerged against Suharto. The memory of mass massacre done by Suharto’s soldiers in the end of 1965 until 1966 created a self-terror in the people’s mind.

Nation and character building shaped by the founders of this republic were secondly demolished by Suharto and replaced by Exploitation de L’homee par L’homee, the exploitation done by rulers to the people.

The black record of Suharto was not only these. In existing the human rights, for instance, New Order regime was famously known as a military-fascist, just as Germany under Hitler, Italia on Mussolini, Cambodia with Polpot, and Chile under Augusto Pinochet. This was determined by French Indonesian expert, Francois Raillon.

Ricklefs, Australian historian, stated if the set of human rights in Suharto era was merely worse than in Holland’s. “New Order did more punishment then Holland occupation. New Order allowed torturing to the political prisoners. The economic, politic, administrative, and military central were in the hands of number of elites.” Ricklefs verified. (continued)

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Who Was Suharto (4)

November 1967, Suharto sent this team to Switzerland meeting the Jewish international CEO, and they generated Foreign Capital Investment Law 1967 which gave many benefits to Western Imperialism. The on-our-own principles deadly kept by President Sukarno were wiped out by General Suharto and Indonesia turned to be defended country to Western as the world capital power.

More pro-capitalism “New Indonesia” was actually designed since 1950’s. david Ransom in his popular article titled “Berkeley Mafia and Mass Murder in Indonesia; New Troy Horse from US Universities came to Indonesia” (Ramparts, 1970) stated that US used two strategies to overcome Indonesia. Firstly, forming an intellectual Western-minded group, and secondly, building a part in Indonesian Army which could corporate with US.

The first group was steered by any scholarship foundation as Ford Foundation and Rockeffeler Foundation, and also some other admired US universities as Berkeley, Harvard Cornell, and also MIT. David Ransom mention two Indonesian Socialist Party figures—a little wing-socialist party—i.e. Soedjatmoko and Sumitro Djojohadikusumo became the front men of Indonesian pro-Western intellectual group forming. They—according to Ransom, were trained by US since the last of 1949’s. While the second task was assigned to CIA. One of its agents Guy Pauker joined RAND Corporation and approached some elite military officers via successfully-recruited by CIA man, i.e. Deputy Dan Seskoad Kol. Soewarto. Dan Intel Achmad Soekendro was also known in CIA approaching. Through these men, Ransom stated, US group moved forward to Indonesian military. Suharto was the trainee of Soewarto in Seskoad.

In Seskoad, the US-intellectual-trainees were given chance to teach soldiers. There were a mutual corporation between pro-US civil-military. After tragedy 1965 and Indonesian people massacre—on the sue of communist—this team began to develop “New Indonesia”. The Economy Doctor trained by Ford came back to Indonesia and immediately joined this group, and one of them was Emil Salim.

General Suharto formed Trium-Virat (three-legs governing) with Adam Malik and Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX. Ransom wrote, “On 12 April 1967, Sultan announced an important political statement. It was the new regime economic program syllabus which defined that they were about to bring Indonesia to Imperialism Policy written by Widjoyo and Sadly.”

Ransom continued, “in detailing the above Sultan stated economic programs, the technocrats were trained by US. When Widjojo was confused in planning economy stabilization program, AID invited David Cole, a Harvard economist who just designed banking regulation in South Korea. The invitation of David Cole due to the inability of Sadli to make a foreign capital investment regulation. He needed a lot of helps from US Embassy in Indonesia.

This was the beginning phase of Five Year Developing Plan program phase (in Indonesian language: Rancangan Pembangunan Lima Tahunan or abbreviated Repelita). This program was devised by US-trainee-economist who were directly tutored by US, corporate with the existed foundations.

June 1968, General Suharto wordlessly and suddenly held reunion with Ford trainees—known as “Mafia Berkeley” (to design the Developing Cabinet Structure and other elite level institutions). The Economics Faculty Dean of Indonesian University Sumitro Djojohadikusumo (Doctor of Philosophy from Rotterdam) was pointed as Commerce Minister, Widjojo Nitisastro (Doctor of Philosophy Berkeley, 1961) was pointed as BBPN Director, Emil Salim (Doctor of Philosophy, Berkeley, 1964 ) was pointed as Vice President of BPN, Subroto (Doctor of Philosophy from Harvard, 1964) was pointed as Marketing and Business General Director, Ali Wardhana (Doctor of Philosophy, Berkeley, 1962), was pointed as Chancellor of Exchequer, Moh.Sadli (Master of Science, MIT, 1956) was pointed as PMA Chairman, Barli Halim (MBA Berkeley, 1959) was pointed as General Secretary of Industry Department, and Sudjatmoko (Adam Malik counselor) was pointed as Indonesian Ambassador in Washington, the main key of Jakarta-Washington.

“New Indonesia” economic team worked under the direct instruction of Development Advisory Service (DAS), Harvard supported by Ford Foundation. “We work behind the screen” said Lister Gordon, the Vice President of DAS. US soon propped up the new ruler with all they had so that Indonesia economy—intentionally destructed by US in 1965—slowly recovered.

The team was behind the Repelita program which firstly started in 1969, by foreign capital investment and agricultural products as in order of priority. In many cases, central bureaucrats counted on military elites in regions to control this Ford Program. They cooperated with regional figures as land lords and administrative officers. The impact, there formed new groups who enriched themselves and their own family. Central and regional groups gave benefits each other, and they pressed the farmers who really worked at the field. (continued)

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Who Was Suharto (3)

After World War II, US perceived Russia as the only side that banned their hegemony on the world. Thus, Marshall Plan was launched as an effort to cease the wider communism ambience, from East Asia to Southeast Asia—strategic regions seen in the subject of world trade and geopolitics, also rich of source and people. US was clearly worried if those districts empowered by Russia. Off those regions, Indonesia was the most strategic and richest. US deeply understood this situation, then no wonder if Indonesia was the only one nation named in the Marshall Plan .Yet, to overpower Indonesia, US hardly found a way as this nation was being led by a tough, smart, and difficult president, i.e. Bung Karno. It was no other way, this man had to be eliminated. History had properly written that CIA got involved in any rebel deeds to Bung Karno’s power. CIA also sent its cadets to education subject, approached and steered political party (for example through PSI) tutored its men in local army, etc. After failing for many times in stepping down Bung Karno, in the end of 1965, Bung Karno was successfully abolished.

After the occasion of 1 October 1965, General Suharto controlled this nation. Third week until the beginning of 1966, he ordered his men to execute possibly million members people of PKI (Indonesian Communist Party), without fair judgment from the court. International media was silent to this human crime which was more cruel than Polpot regime in Cambodia—as US were given benefit from this.

The falling down of Bung Karno and raising of General Suharto were joyfully celebrated by Washington. President Nixon even called it as “The Biggest Gift from Southeast Asia.” A country with a strategic position, loaded of natural resources, and so on, had been powered in only short time and was set to be a “slave” for Western imperialism dignity.

On November 1967, General Suharto assigned a pro-AS economic team to meet the international Jewish in Switzerland. Doctoral dissertation of Brad Sampson from Northwestern University US explored the Indonesian historical facts in the beginning of New Order. Prof Jeffrey Winters was assigned as the promoter. Australian Indonesianist, John Pilger in The New Rulers of The World quoted Sampson and wrote;

“On November 1967, following to the catching of “The Biggest Gift” (US government’s term to the collapse of Bung Karno and replaced by Suharto), the results were divided. The Time Life Corporation sponsored a special conference in Geneva, Switzerland, which in only three days designed Indonesian’s take over.

The attendants were from the most influence capitalist in the world, people like David Rockefeller. All the western giant corporation were represented by bank and oil company, General Motors, Imperial Chemical Industries, British Leyland, British American Tobacco, American Express, Siemens, Goodyear, The International Paper Corporation, US Steel, ICI, Leman Brothers, Asian Development Bank, Chase Manhattan, etc.”

Across the table, there sat Suharto’s men—named by Rockefeller and other Jewish businessmen as corrupt Indonesian economist. In Geneva, Indonesian Team were known as The Berkeley Mafia as some of them given a scholarship from US government to study in California University in Berkeley. They came as a beggar conveying what their boss wanted. They offered the points from their nation and people; a cheap and abundant labor, plentiful resource and its spare, dan wide market.”

In the second day, the Indonesian economist had been divided into sectors. Prof. Jeffrey Winters called “this was done by a spectacular way.” They divided into five sections; mining in one room, services in other room, minor industry in other room, banking and monetary in the next room; which was done by Chase Manhattan sitting with a delegation dictated policies which could be accepted by anther investors. These huge corporation leaders walks from one table to another, saying, ‘This is what we want, that is what we want, this, this, and this.” They basically designed a law infrastructure in investing their capital—which also surely gave them its benefits. I had never heard that sort of situation before, where global capitals sat with the representation from a self-governing country and designed condition terms to give freedom investment to their own region.”

Freeport got copper mount in West Papua (Henry Kissinger, American-Jewish businessman as Commissioner Board). A European consortium acquired Nickel in also West Papua. The giant Alcoa obtained the biggest from Indonesian bauxite. A group of American, Japan, and French company contracted tropical jungles in Kalimantan, Sumatera, and West Papua.”

A foreign capital investment law was hurriedly given to President Suharto and it made the country robbery was blessed by the Indonesian government and free of tax for another five years. Suharto lectured Indonesian people with Pancasila development propaganda, and trickle down effect to its welfare progress. Yet, what the actual happened was systematical people poverty.(continued)

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Who Was Suharto (2)

Colonel Pranoto Rekso Samoedro was appointed to be Pangdam Diponegoro replacing Suharto. Pranoto, ‘the religious soldier’, withdrew all the facilities owned by Kodam Diponegoro which were rented by Suharto to Chinese businessmen for his personal needs. No wonder then, Suharto was also disenchanted by Pranoto, Nasution and Yani.

In SSKAD, Suharto was a candidate of Senate Leader. But, DI. Panjaitan resisted and he declared a distrust to Suharto. Panjaitan marked Suharto as someone who could be trusted as Suharto got so many bad track records in his military career—for example a smuggling with Chinese businessmen and used a reason to strengthen his military unit, as in fact, he used it to enrich himself.

For all that occasion, Suharto was really infuriated. Besides to Nasution, Yani, and Pranoto, Suharto’s vengeance was now to Panjaitan also. In 1 Octover 1965 Event, all Suharto’s enemies—Nasution, Yani, and Panjaitan—become the murder target, while Suharto himself—the second people in Army—was not in the list.

When Yani was killed, Bung Karno appointed Pranoto Rekso Samudro as Chief of Army, but Pranoto was intercepted by Suharto, so it was Suharto who took over the Army leader. To avoid a civil war, as Siliwangi in West Java (Ibrahim Adjie) and KKO (marine) in East Java had pledged to always support Sukarno and if Sukarno ordered to ‘sweep’ Suharto’s force in Jakarta, then Sukarno appointed Suharto as Army Commander on October 14th, 1965. (continued)

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Who Was Suharto? (1)

In Switzerland, as seen in a documentary film directed by John Pilger titled “The New Ruler of The Word”—available for download in youtube—General Suharto’s economic team retailed the entire Indonesian’s prosperities to Rockfeller cs. They unreservedly divided Indonesia into pieces and gave to those Jewish businessmen. Golden mount in Papua was granted to Freeport, oil source in Aceh offered to Exxon, etc. Undang-Undang Penanaman Modal Asing (Foreign Capital Regulation) 1997 was set in Switzerland, due to the will of the Jewish firms.

Until now Suharto passed away and buried in family cemetery complex nearly Imogiri, East Java, the robbery of the whole Indonesian riches keeps going on and done by worldwide Jewish corporations without any restraint. The results can be seen in every subject of this nation: the poverty numbers is increase, dropped-out-school children are as greater as street-living kids, desperate parents and condemn suicide people are raise, mad people are lingering in villages in great amount, criminal action is huge, corruption race are greater than before, and other various undeniable facts of this nation destruction.

Yet, unpredictably, even there are various numbers of precise books written by local and international experts about how decayed government’s works in 32 years General Suharto’s era, and propped up by millions irrefutable facts and documents, Suharto’s name is still greatly considered by some certain segment. Some even ridiculously suggest that Suharto is worth to have a title of Indonesian national hero and called “Nation Guru”. Though this is silly—it is the fact indeed.

Therefore, this article is about to write the actual General Suharto, in order that whoever considers Suharto as Indonesia national hero and nation guru can do a deeper self-retrospection. The fact of history has to be clear, whether Suharto is guilty or not should be decided by law trial. It is imprudent to ask Indonesian people to forgive Suharto’s faults before we discern all his sins he ever made.

This article tries to picture the journey of Suharto, before and after being a president, in turn of no one will have a thought of “Suharto may have faults, but still he has huge contribution in building this nation. His work result and his development can be sensed recent days. There are various huge buildings in Jakarta, a lot of decent protocol roads, firmed freeway, the beautiful Mini Indonesian Park (Taman Mini Indonesia Indah), etc. That’s obvious, Suharto has very big impact and contribution to this nation!”

Suharto was born in Kemusuk, Argomulyo, Yogyakarta 8 June 1921. His parents were farmers and old Javanese. They had faith in Javanese occultism and remained in this condition until they became old. Suharto’s carrier was started as staff of village bank. Suharto also became a labor then moved to military carrier for the first time as KNIL soldier—led under Dutch colonial domination. When Japan arrived in 1942, Suharto joined PETA, and when Sukarno declared the Indonesian independence, he joined TKR as well.

One of the Suharto’s military prestigious achievements and often greatly issued in his era was Serangan Umum 1 Maret 1949 above Yogyakarta (General Offensive). This milestone was even made the movie titled ‘Janur Kuning’ (1979), showing that this offensive was invented and straightly led by Colonel Lieutenant Suharto. In fact, the general offensive was originally formulated by Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX. Hamengkubuwono IX was the man who led the general offensive to the Dutch, and he was a nationalist whose concerns to the people condition, as he refused any colonization.

In 1959, Suharto—officiated as Pangdam Diponegoro (alike commander in military)—disrespectfully fired by Nasution for Suharto had used his military institution to gather money from some companies in Middle Java. He was also caught in an illegal sugar smuggling with Bob Hasan and Liem Sioe Liong.

To make this smuggling assured, Bob Hasan founded a shipping company, and by using ‘Indonesian Overseas’ owned by C.M. Chow, Bob ran this unlawful business. Who was C.M. Chow? He was a double agent. In 1950, he became military secret agent of Japan. Yet, he was also a hand of Mao Tse Tung in recruiting immigrant Chinese from Japan into Asian communist network.

In 1943, Chow was asked on duty by Japan to Jakarta. When Japan left Indonesia, Chow stayed in Jakarta and ran the first shipping business in Indonesia. Chow was not only coached Chinese Indonesian citizens in Middle and East Java, but also in Sumatra and Sulawesi. One of his students was Eddy Tansil’s father and Hendra Rahardja whose family name Tan. Tan was a sleeping agent of Mao in East Indonesia. In the middle of 1980’s, Hendra Rahardja and Liem Sioe Liong founded several company in Fujian, China Cina (Siapa Sebenarnya Suharto; Eros Djarot; 2006). (continued)

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Memaknai Cinta Yang Sesungguhnya

oleh M. Arif As-Salman

Beberapa waktu yang lalu, sepulang mengantar istri ke kuliah, saya menaiki Bis 939 jurusan Hay Asyir. Bisnya lumayan penuh, tidak ada tempat untuk duduk. Dalam keramaian tersebut saya bertemu dengan Ziyad.

Ziyad adalah salah seorang teman dekat saya. ia baru menyempurnakan setengah agamanya. Saya turut hadir dalam acara pernikahannya dan ikut merasakan kebahagiaan yang ia rasakan.

Sudah begitu lama kami menjalin ukhuwah. Itu berawal saat pertama kali saya bertemu dengannya ketika shalat di mesjid dekat apartemen saya. Pertemuan pertama memberi kesan yang kuat dalam hati saya, dari tutur kata, keramahan dan sikapnya membuat saya kagum dan tertarik untuk lebih jauh mengenalnya. Hingga pada akhirnya terjalinlah hubungan yang erat diantara kami.

Ia saya kenal sebagai seorang yang taat menjalankan agama. Di kalangan teman-teman, ia dikenal supel dan simpatik. Kata-katanya selalu memompa semangat yang lagi kendor, tak heran banyak yang datang padanya kalau lagi futur. Bijak memilih kata-kata sebelum diucapkan dan yang paling membuat saya merasa salut, ia setiap hari selalu menyediakan waktu untuk berziarah. Full aktivitas, kendati demikian, ia tak pernah kehilangan kesempatan shalat berjama'ah di mesjid, shaf terdepan dan takbir pertama bersama imam.

Walau telah menikah, shalat jama'ah tak pernah absen dan untuk berziarah selalu ada waktu yang ia sediakan.

Saya masih ingat dengan kata-kata yang ia ucapkan pada saya sebelum hari pernikahannya, ketika saya bertanya padanya tentang makna sebuah cinta. Ia berkata,

"Akhi, dari lubuk hati yang paling dalam, dengan jujur saya lebih mencintai Allah, RasulNya dan jihad dijalanNya. Kecintaan yang melebihi kecintaan saya atas segalanya, atas kedua orang tua dan diri saya sendiri.

Saya menikah semata-mata hanya karena Allah, untuk Allah dan mengharap ridha dan pahala dari Allah.

Saya mendambakan seorang istri yang solehah, yang membantu saya dalam ketaatan dan kebaikan. Ketika saya benar, ia tidak ragu untuk mendukung saya, ketika saya salah, ia tidak segan, malu dan takut untuk menegur dan mengingatkan saya dengan cara yang baik, lembut dan penuh kebijaksanaan.

Seorang istri yang ketika saya melihat padanya, hati saya merasa tenang, ketika saya perintah ia patuh, ketika saya tinggalkan, ia menjaga harta dan dirinya. Seorang istri yang mencintai saya sepenuhnya yang selalu mengharap ridha saya dan yang menyerahkan pengabdian hidupnya pada saya.

Seorang istri yang bersegera ketika saya ajak pada kebaikan dan ikhlas menerima perbaikan ketika ternyata ia telah keliru dan salah.

Namun, bila istri tidak patuh pada saya, mengangkat suara dihadapan saya, meninggikan diri dihadapan saya, selalu lambat ketika saya ajak pada kebaikan dan ketaatan, lalai dengan tugas dan tanggung jawab serta enggan dinasehati.

Terlena dengan kehidupan duniawi. Lebih mencintai dunia dari pada akhirat, tidak patuh pada perintah Allah dan RasulNya, dan tidak mendukung saya ketika saya benar, tidak mengingatkan ketika salah dan tidak mau menerima nasehat.

Maka, ketahuilah akhi, saya ikhlas berpisah dengannya dan saya tidak akan ragu dan takut sedikitpun untuk menceraikannya, walau ia cantik sekalipun. Saya yakin dengan janji Allah, bahwa Allah pasti akan memberi saya ganti yang lebih baik. Rahmat Allah maha luas, khazinah Allah tidak akan pernah habis dan tidak sulit bagi Allah untuk itu."

Dan pertemuan di Bis tersebut adalah kesempatan bagi saya untuk memintanya bercerita tentang keadaannya saat ini dan sayapun bertanya, "Apakah akhi telah menemukan bidadari impian akhi?" ia menjawab,

"Alhamdulillah akhi, innaha lani'ma zaujah, Allah telah mengabulkan proposal yang saya ajukan sejak tiga tahun yang lalu, persis seperti yang saya minta dalam do'a saya pada Allah. Saya bersujud syukur pada Allah, Allah telah mengaruniakan saya seorang bidadari berhati embun, cahaya dan pelangi. Keindahan diatas keindahan."

"Barakallahu laka wa Baraka 'alaika wajama'a Bainakuma fikhairin Akhi Ziyad."

Bila kita tengok kebelakang, para salafus soleh telah membuktikan cinta mereka pada Allah dan RasulNya.

Anas r.a berkata, bahwa Rasulullah Saw. bersabda : "Tiga hal yang jika terdapat dalam diri seorang muslim, maka dia akan dapat merasakan manisnya iman, yaitu: 1. Mencintai Allah dan RasulNya melebihi kecintaan dari segalanya, 2. Mencintai seseorang semata-mata karena Allah, 3. Benci untuk kembali pada kekafiran sebagaimana ia benci dilemparkan kedalam neraka."

Suatu ketika Umar bin khatab berkata, "Wahai Rasulullah, saya mencintaimu lebih dari segalanya kecuali nyawa saya, kemudian Nabi bersabda, "Seseorang tidak akan menjadi mukmin yang sempurna sebelum dia lebih mencintai aku dari pada dirinya sendiri, lalu Umar berkata lagi, "Sekarang saya mencintai engkau lebih dari diri saya sendiri, Beliau bersabda, "Sekarang ya Umar ( sudah sempurna keimananmu ).

Sungguh sangat banyak kisah kecintaan para salafus soleh pada Allah, Rasul dan semangat mereka berkorban dijalan Allah yang terukir dalam sejarah. Mereka generasi terbaik umat ini. Generasi pilihan yang diabadikan namanya dalam Al-Qur'an. Setiap lembar sejarah senantiasa menempatkan mereka pada urutan pertama dalam kemuliaan dan pengorbanan.

Nah, sekarang mari kita bertanya pada diri kita masing-masing, kemudian jawablah dengan jujur, "Apakah saya telah mencintai Allah dan RasulNya melebihi atas segalanya?".

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Promoting sustainable management of forests and woodlands

SUSTAINABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT aims to ensure that the goods and services derived from the forest meet present-day needs while at the same time securing their continued availability and contribution to long-term development. In its broadest sense, forest management encompasses the administrative, legal, technical, economic, social and environmental aspects of the conservation and use of forests. It implies various degrees of deliberate human intervention, ranging from actions aimed at safeguarding and maintaining the forest ecosystem and its functions, to favouring specific socially or economically valuable species or groups of species for the improved production of goods and services

Many of the world's forests and woodlands, however, especially in the tropics and subtropics, are still not managed in accordance with the Forest Principles adopted at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED, 1992). Many developing countries have inadequate funding and human resources for the preparation, implementation and monitoring of forest management plans, and lack mechanisms to ensure the participation and involvement of all stakeholders in forest planning and development. Where forest management plans exist, they are frequently limited to ensuring sustained production of wood, without due concern for non-wood products and services or social and environmental values. In addition, many countries lack appropriate forest legislation, regulation and incentives to promote sustainable forest management practices.

FAO helps member countries overcome these constraints through the provision of information and policy advice and through institutional and technical capacity-building activities. FAO collects, analyses and disseminates information; prepares manuals and guidelines; and organizes workshops and seminars that facilitate the dissemination of best practices and the exchange of experiences. Field projects are implemented in all types of natural forests. They also address emergency situations caused by natural disasters or the adverse effects of human activities, and offer opportunities for hands-on training.

At the national level, FAO supports initiatives for the development and implementation of criteria and indicators to define clearly the elements of sustainable forest management and to monitor progress towards it. At the field level, FAO helps identify, test and promote innovative forest management approaches and techniques, e.g. through support for model and demonstration forests.

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Jumat, 27 Februari 2009

People power - Minister Ryan announces incentives for micro-generation

Farmers and households to sell excess electricity back to national grid - First 4,000 will get guaranteed price of 19 cent a kWh - Plan will boost rural economy and reduce electricity costs

Dublin, 26th February, 2009

Energy Minister Eamon Ryan today announced measures to encourage the on-site generation of electricity in homes and farms across Ireland.

Among the measures is a guaranteed price of 19 cent per kilowatt hour of electricity produced. This competitive feed-in tariff will apply to the first 4,000 micro-generation installations countrywide over the next three years. Eligible installations include small scale wind, photovoltaic, hydro and combined heat and power.

Traditionally, the electricity network was designed to accommodate the flow of electricity from large centralised plants to customers dispersed throughout the country. Micro-generation at local level now introduces two-way flows to the electricity system. Local generators will have the ability to be paid by the ESB for electricity that is surplus to their own requirements and export it back to the national grid.

The new support price is being introduced along with a number of other measures in the Government’s micro-generation programme including:

- Connection: An “Inform and Fit” connection policy to be introduced by ESB Networks to reduce the length of time and complexity of the connection process. Sustainable Energy Ireland also has clear information explaining the connection process.

- Grant assistance for R & D: This pilot study includes grant assistance for 40% of the cost of 50 trial units (of up to 50kW) countrywide. Applications are being accepted by Sustainable Energy Ireland.

- Planning exemptions: The Department of Environment has made small scale generation from low-carbon sources exempt from planning permission. The Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources will continue to work with the Department of Environment on planning issues surrounding renewable energy installations.

Announcing the programme Minister Ryan said, “We are changing the rules and changing the nature of electricity generation in Ireland. Before you received your power from a central source and paid for it. Now you can generate for yourself and be paid for the excess you don’t use.

This type of on-site electricity generation will boost the rural economy. It will put more money into consumers’ pockets. This type of long-term investment with a guaranteed return represents the best value for spending and lending. All our farms and houses can be micro-generators. We can use our abundant natural resources to bolster the economy, create green-collar jobs and reduce carbon emissions at the same time.

Every year, we send €6 billion out of this country on fossil fuels. This type of generation will help reduce this dependence and this outflow of money. We do not want to be dependent on Russia or Saudi Arabia for our energy needs; we can supply our own.”

Selasa, 24 Februari 2009

Pride and economic sustainability

by I M. Dennis Pratistha

When will Indonesia have a globally recognized internet and technology company? This is a difficult question to answer, because our governments have focused mostly on the natural resources sector. Many incentives and initiatives backed by the government are directed to the energy and agriculture industries, while the innovative technology industry is given limited attention.

The enormous attention directed previously to the natural resources sector is understandable due to the bull market in commodities. Our economy significantly benefited from the profit windfall, foreign and domestic investments, employment opportunities and tax revenues. The current slowdown, however, means the government needs to realign their strategy in order to maintain growth and national development. Developing the innovative technology industry is an alternative option for the government, which will be beneficial not only for our economy but also for our pride.

The country's large population and consequent human resources at our disposal will, logically, enable us to develop a robust and globally recognized innovative industry. In the *70s and *80s our government started to develop the industry, with the establishment of state-owned enterprises like aircraft producer PT IPTN and telecommunication company PT INTI. IPTN successfully developed small to medium commercial airlines and INTI successfully developed base transmission station equipment and other telecommunication equipment used by local operators. These companies were reasonably successful until their demise due to the Asian economic crisis.

In developing the blueprint for the innovative industry, our government needs to learn from strategies used by other countries in developing their innovative technology industry, such as China and India.

The first strategy involves stimulating the innovative and creative environment. The environment can be stimulated by encouraging multinational technological companies to build research and development centers and manufacturing facilities here. The collaboration of the government with reputable companies enables the transfer of knowledge to local workers; helps develop companies to deliver niche products and to serve the multinationals.

China, for example, built the Hangzou city industrial complex specifically to accommodate technology firms, provided tax exemptions and low interest financing. China has earned a good reputation by developing several successful global technology companies, such as Huawei, ZTE and Lenovo.

The second strategy relates to developing human resources. Skilled workers can be developed by encouraging students to study fields that support the industry. Software designers and engineers are exempted from income tax in China, thus attracting skilled workers to the specific fields.

The third strategy involves acquiring public endorsement and trust in using Indonesian made products. Initially we can develop companies which cater for local consumption and then slowly build a global reputation once the necessary experience and portfolio is acquired.

The fourth strategy relates to entrepreneur support. The government needs to support entrepreneurs either directly or indirectly. Direct support can be provided through grants for product innovation, tax breaks and cheap financing for innovative companies. Indirect support can be presented through joint programs with private sector.

The fifth strategy relates to copyright. There needs to be clearly stated and enforcement of copyright laws for innovative products and services. Copyright laws will prevent infringement and piracy, thus protecting the company's investments in innovation.

Having a robust innovative technology industry will elevate our nation's image, by being recognized as a country that produces highly skilled workers and cutting-edge technological products - enabling Indonesia to be the same calibre as Japan, South Korea and the US.
The writer is the chief executive officer of PT. Demeta Telnet, a telecommunications contracting company in Jakarta. The article is the writer's personal view.

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Bogor meet ends in new green policy

Adianto P. Simamora, The Jakarta Post, Bogor

At the closing of the two-day informal ministerial climate change meeting at the Presidential Palace in Bogor, West Java, environment ministers from 36 countries agreed to finalize a new green policy in 2009.

The commitment states that rich countries will take the lead in reducing greenhouse gas emissions beyond the expiry date of the Kyoto Protocol, the global agreement on efforts to curb pollution, which expires in 2012.

Participants in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC) praised the ""Bali road map proposal"", prepared for the global talks on climate change in December. The main agenda for the Bali talks is to begin to formulate a new deal to replace the Kyoto Protocol.

""I am very optimistic that what we will try to achieve in Bali will be done,"" said the host, Rachmat Witoelar, Indonesian state minister for the environment and also incoming president-designate of the UNFCCC, which is also hosting the Bali talks.

""Delegations have a common interest in developing a stronger commitment after 2012,"" Rachmat said.
He said that even the United States and Australia responded positively to the paper's discussion.
""They are very open and committed to joining discussions on a long-term commitment beyond 2012,"" he said.

The UNFCCC executive secretary general, Yvo de Boer, said the U.S. ""came to the meeting with a very constructive position, they want to see a launch of negotiations to be concluded by 2009.""

In his earlier address to the meeting, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono called for developed nations to meet their commitments to cut emissions levels, while he said that given their circumstances, emissions cuts by developing countries should be made on a voluntary basis.
In the September meeting of the Asia Pacific Cooperation Forum in Sydney, Australia raised proposals to reach an agreement for voluntary achievements of emissions cuts for both developed and developing countries, which met with opposition from most countries, including Indonesia.

The seven-page paper presented by Rachmat as the incoming UNFCCC chief, however, did not attempt to propose a target percentage for emissions reductions after 2012.
""The future policy framework needs to define national emissions goals for industrialized countries for the period post-2012,"" including for those who have not ratified the protocol, the paper states.

The Kyoto Protocol requires industrial nations to cut emissions levels by at least 5 percent below their 1990 levels, although neither Australia nor the U.S. have ratified the protocol. Beyond 2012 parties to the Protocol have agreed to cut their levels by 25 percent to 40 percent.

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Fujitsu Mengembangkan Visi Pelestarian Lingkungan Jangka Menengah: "Green Policy 2020"

PT. Fujitsu Indonesia

Menuju pengurangan emisi CO2 sebanyak 30 juta ton pada tahun 2020 melalui inovasi pelestarian lingkungan
Fujitsu Limited baru-baru ini mengumumkan bahwa Grup Fujitsu telah mengembangkan "Green Policy 2020" yang merupakan visi pelestarian lingkungan jangka menengah, yang mendefinisikan peran yang dimainkan Grup Fujitsu dalam rangka mengatasi masalah-masalah pelestarian lingkungan global.

Tiga kata kunci dari visi ini adalah “Penciptaan”, “Kolaborasi”, dan “Perubahan” dan sasarannya adalah untuk mencetuskan inovasi pelestarian lingkungan dalam Grup Fujitsu serta di masyarakat secara keseluruhan untuk mendukung perwujudan masyarakat ‘rendah karbon’ yang sejahtera. Grup Fujitsu akan melakukan upaya berkelanjutan untuk mencapai sasaran ini dan memperkirakan bahwa inisiatif ini akan menghasilkan pengurangan emisi CO2 di Jepang sebanyak 30 juta ton pada tahun 2020.

Latar Belakang

Pada pertemuan Negara-negara Kelompok Delapan (G8) yang diadakan di Hokkaido bulan Juli, para pemimpin dunia mengeluarkan deklarasi bersama yang menyatakan bahwa mereka akan bekerja sama untuk mengurangi sebanyak separuh emisi gas rumah kaca di seluruh dunia sampai tahun 2050. Untuk mencapai sasaran ini, emisi gas rumah kaca di dunia harus mencapai puncaknya paling lambah tahun 2020, dan inovasi teknologi, sistematik dan pasar bebas akan menjadi bagian mutlak dalam proses ini.

Grup Fujitsu sendiri telah memperbarui visi pelestarian lingkungan jangka menengah dalam rangka mengatasi masalah lingkungan global dalam hal peran yang harus dimainkan Grup Fujitsu sebagai persusahaan IT terkemuka dan bagaiman Grup Fujitsu mewujudkan nyatakan perannya.

Green Policy 2020: Visi Pelestarian Lingkungan Jangka Menengah
Untuk mendukung penciptaan masyarakat rendah-karbon yang sejahtera, Grup Fujitsu akan memanfaatkan teknologi dan pengetahuannya untuk menginspirasikan inovasi pelestarian lingkungan bagi bisnis dan masyarakan, dalam kerja sama dengan pelanggan dan mitra bisnisnya.

Kebijakan ini mencakup tiga kata kunci Penciptaan, Kolaborasi, dan Perubahan: Penciptaan teknologi solusi bisnis mutakhir, Kolaborasi denga pelanggan dan mitra bisnis serta pihak lain yang berkepentingan dalam komunitas internasional; dan sosialiasi akan Perubahan yang diperlukan di dalam Grup Fujitsu sendiri.

Tiga Sasaran

Manfaat bagi pelanggan dan masyarakat secara keseluruhan. Adalah merupakan sasaran dari Grup Fujitsu untuk mengurangi emisi karbon di Jepang sebanyak 30 juta ton pada tahun 2020 melalui penerapan teknologi dan solusi mutakhir yang hemat energy, sehingga memberikan kontribusi bagi pengurangan emisi gas rumah kaca di dunia, yang harus mencapai puncaknya paling lambat pada tahun 2020 demi pencapai sasaran tahun 2050 yang dideklarasikan oleh Kelompok G8.

Upaya reformasi internal.
Pada tahun 2020, Fujitsu berupaya untuk menyediakan efisiensi energy dalam semua bidang bisnisnya (perangkat lunak dan jasa, perangkat keras, peralatan elektronik, dan sebagainya). Fujitsu juga akan membangun suatu organisasi baru untuk mensosialisasikan initiatif rendah-karbon.

Pemeliharaan keragaman biologi.
Fujitsu berencana untuk mengembangkan setiap bidang sesuai Leadership Declaration of the Business and Biodiversity Initiative(*2), dengan berbagai inisiatif spesifik yang dijalankan sebelum tahun 2020.
Untuk mencapai ketiga sasaran ini, Green Policy 2020 mencakup 20 topik spesifik, antara lain 13 topik berkaitan dengan pemberian manfaat bagi pelanggan dan masyarakat, seperti pengembangan teknologi energy yang inovatif, serta mendukung pelanggan dalam rangka pengurangan konsumsi energy dan sumber daya; 5 topik berkaitan dengan reformasi internal, antara lain pengurangan emisi karbon dalam aktivitas bisnis Fujitsu; serta dua topik berkaitan dengan keragaman biologi.

Minggu, 22 Februari 2009

GM files restructuring plan, includes eco-friendly cars, asks for up to $16.6 billion more money

by Jeremy Korzeniewski

Shortly after Chrysler submitted its updated restructuring plan to Congress, General Motors followed suit with its own document that is supposed to detail a return to sustainable profitability within the next 24 months. As you'd expect, fuel efficiency plays a major part of GM's future goals, with the automaker saying that "All major introductions in 2009-2014 are high-mileage cars and crossovers."

Moving forward, GM will focus on Chevrolet, Buick, GMC and Cadillac, with Pontiac serving as a "niche product" and Saab and HUMMER leaving the fold entirely. As far as future product is concerned, the Chevy Volt figures prominently in GM's plans and is slated for a 2010 release. By 2014, GM says its cars will average 38.6 miles per gallon and its trucks will average 27.6 mpg, improvements of 7.6 and 3.6 mpg respectively. Like Chrysler, GM promises to comply with federal fuel economy mandates but makes no mention of California's request for its own emissions standards.

None of this matters at all if GM isn't able to keep its factories humming, and GM says that an additional $16.6 billion in loans will be necessary to ensure survival, bringing the total amount of requested as a revolving line of credit to $30 billion. We've pasted the full press release after the break, but there's plenty more in the official and highly detailed 117-page document, which can be downloaded in its entirety as a PDF file here. Click here for Autoblog's coverage.
[Source: GM]

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The Palm Oil for Bio Fuel Quistion

Even though Rhett Butler is based in San Francisco, his scope is global. Not that long ago, Butler wrote about the destruction of the Brazilian cerrado thanks, in part, to biofuel production in that country. Now his words appear in the Jakarta Post on the green-ness of palm oil. Once again, biofuels figure into his questions.

The upshot of the article is that the critical voices that environmentalists are raising against biodiesel made from palm oil is causing European policymakers to reconsider importing Indonesian palm oil to make the biofuel on the Continent. Of course, palm oil producers in South East Asia want to continue to grow and sell their crops. In rides a compromise to the rescue. Butler writes:

Writing in the scientific journal Nature, Lian Pin Koh and David S. Wilcove from Princeton University, argue that the high yield and high prices that make palm oil so attractive "could be turned to a biodiversity advantage."

They suggest that green groups could buy small tracts of existing oil-palm plantations and use the revenue they generate to acquire land to establish a network of privately-owned nature reserves for biodiversity conservation.

There are also carbon offset possibilities here. Even without selling CO2 credits, Butler says the numbers suggest to Koh and Wilcove that for each of hectare of oil palm plantation that the enviros buy, seven hectares of forest could be preserved over a 25 year period. Let's hope the forests have that long.

[Source: Jakarta Post]

Indonesia, a Nation in Transition

Although hundreds of ethnic groups have been know as the indigenous of Indonesia for hundreds and thousands of years, Indonesia did not exist in its present form until the turn of the 20th century.

Of the so-called natives of Indonesia, archaeologists have speculated that the first people to populate Indonesia migrated from mainland China some 1,000 years ago and inhabited a stretch of islands along the equator, later known as Nusantara.

Over the centuries they built and refined their statecraft in the form of kingdoms and principalities. Sharing similar characteristics with other Southeast Asian kingdoms, these Nusantara kingdoms based their conception of state more on people than on space or territory. But intercourse with the western world changed the course of history in Nusantara.

In 1511, the Portuguese conquered Malacca, located on the Malay peninsula, which was then still an inseparable part of Nusantara. The Dutch followed in 1512 and landed on Banten shore in Java. At first, the Dutch came more as traders under the trading umbrella of the Royal East Indies Company (Vereniging Oost Indische Compagnie, VOC). For the next two centuries, the Dutch conducted business with the natives, although in many cases the trade was not on equal terms. Often, trade was accompanied by violent pacification processes.

Then the VOC went bankrupt and the Dutch government took over the business in Nusantara (called the East Indies by the Dutch). Starting from about the mid-seventh century and lasting until the arrival of the Japanese in 1942, was the "real colonization" called "high colonialism" in literature. The period was disrupted briefly when the British took over colonial rule in 1811 to 1814. Among other things that the natives learned from colonization was statecraft based on territorial conception rather than on people.

In the early 20th century, the natives of Nusantara learned that as diverse as their ethnicities were, they could imagine themselves as a unified community. A nationalism had grown in a process that Benedict Anderson, a doyen of Indonesian studies, calls an "imagined community". During the first half of 20th century Nusantara, its people built an imaginary nation called Indonesia -- the name itself was borrowed from the West. By the end of the 1930s, it was clear that the end of Dutch colonialism in Indonesia was only a matter of time.

During World War II, 1942-1945, the Japanese occupied Indonesia. Although short-lived, the occupation enabled Indonesians to arm themselves for the very first time. Shortly after Japan's defeat in WWII, Sukarno and Hatta proclaimed Indonesia an independent state, and they became the founding fathers of the new country. The largest archipelago in the world, with over 17,000 islands -- only 3,000 of which are inhabited -- has emerged into a new Indonesia.

When the Dutch returned and tried to reestablish colonial rule, armed Indonesians resisted. The Dutch were forced to recognize an independent Indonesia in 1949.

The new Indonesia adopted a federal system of governance for a short time. But for a longer period, within a five-year span (1950-1955), leaders of the new country were eager to adopt a liberal system of government. Although there is no proof that the system ruined the economy, it was clear that the elite's political stability was shaky. The longest serving prime minister was only two years in office.

The government then held a general election in 1955, the first and only democratic general election Indonesia ever had. But feeling that the country was still unstable two years after the election, president Sukarno, backed by the Army, declared the 1950 Provisional Constitution void and reintroduced the 1945 Constitution. The latter provided an ample opportunity for Sukarno, popularly known as Bung Karno (Comrade Sukarno), to balance three political powers -- the Indonesian Communist Party, the Army and himself.

In the first half of the 1960s, Bung Karno leaned toward the left. On domestic politics, he was trying hard to balance the communists and the Army; on the international stage he was establishing himself as leader of a new world, free from Cold War antagonism. But economic decline and mounting conflicts, especially between communists and noncommunists, the latter of which was backed by the Army, caused him to lose control over the situation.

On Sept. 30, 1965, an abortive coup occurred. There are two conflicting versions of events surrounding the attempted coup. The official Army version insists that the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) was behind the coup attempt, while the communist version asserts that the coup was an internal matter of the Army. In fact, several members of PKI's central bureau were involved, as well as many Army officers and personnel.

The abortive coup cost Indonesia dearly. It took the lives of seven high-ranking Army generals, followed by a pogrom of communists -- a moderate estimate ranges between 300 thousand and 500 thousand alleged members of PKI. Soeharto, who then was a major general and commander of the Army Strategic Reserves Command, took over leadership and deposed Bung Karno from his presidential seat.

In 1966, Soeharto received a letter known as the March 11 Letter of Instruction which reportedly transferred state power from Sukarno to him.

In 1967, Soeharto unseated Sukarno as president in the special session of the Provisional People's Consultative Assembly (MPRS).

Consolidating his power under a new regime called the New Order, Soeharto launched a "regime cleansing" against the Old Order.

Together with Hamengkubuwono IX, the sultan of Yogyakarta, and Adam Malik -- the three were known as the triumvirate -- Soeharto divided the tasks for economic and political reconstruction. Sultan Hamengkubuwono was assigned to lead efforts for economic recovery, Adam Malik was assigned to redirect Indonesia's foreign policy toward the West, and Soeharto himself was "assigned" to rebuild the lamentable domestic politics.

Soeharto was determined to change Indonesia's course, from its emphasis on politics to prioritizing economic development. He set up the trilogy of development: political stability, economic growth and equality.

To gain political legitimacy, perceived as a prerequisite to economic growth, the government conducted a general election in 1971. The election, however, was far from democratic. Soeharto introduced the "floating mass" concept that banned political parties from operating at village level.

From the 1971 election and throughout the New Order period, the Functional Group (Golongan Karya, or Golkar) served as Soeharto's main political machinery. Golkar legally operated not as a political party, although in fact it was a party. Golkar ran in the 1971 elections against 10 other political parties -- including PKI and Masyumi which were two of the four biggest parties in 1955 but which had been out of political scene -- and won 62 percent of the vote.

In 1974, Soeharto forced all political parties to merge into three: Golkar, the United Development Party (PPP) and the Indonesian Democratic Party (PDI). Again, legally speaking Golkar was not a political party. Five more elections were conducted every five years. During those years, Soeharto tightly controlled politics; not even the slightest room was available for opposition.

There were several cases of serious opposition during the New Order regime. The first came rather as a blow in 1974, when students protested against Japanese investments. Added by political rivalry between Gen. Soemitro and Maj. Gen. Ali Moertopo, student protests in Jakarta turned into riots. The movement ended with the removal of Soemitro from his powerful position as deputy commander of the Armed Forces and chief of staff of the Operation Command for the Restoration of Security and Order (Kopkamtib).

The second serious opposition movement came in 1978. Again it came from students, who protested Soeharto's bid for a second term in office, which would be decided upon by the People's Consultative Assembly in its General Session in March 1978.

Several retired Army officers backed the students, while factionalism was apparent within the Armed Forces. Soeharto moved fast to crush the movement. Hundreds of opposition and student leaders were arrested, dozens of newspapers and magazines were closed down. The movement lost its momentum, and after that Soeharto enjoyed an incontestable position.

If Golkar served as Soeharto's main political machinery, the Army functioned as guardian of the state. And since the state was personalized around Soeharto alone, the Army also served to protect him. Under its dual function role doctrine -- the doctrine argues that the duties of a professional Indonesian Armed Forces includes attending to nonmilitary business, especially if it has to do with politics -- the military intervened in almost all sectors of public life. At its peak, the number of military personnel serving in nonmilitary affairs reached over 40,000. Later, history witnessed excesses of the doctrine.

Some businesspeople, many of whom were of Chinese descent, enjoyed state protection and sometimes two-digit economic growth; some grew to become tycoons and magnates. The privileges that these businesspeople enjoyed sparked resentment from other communities. As a result, racial tension grew.

But Chinese businesspeople were not the only ones to enjoy state protection and preference. Some indigenous businesspeople also enjoyed similar privileges. In general, what Kunio Yoshihara calls "ersatz capitalism", or pseudocapitalism, grew. Those "capitalists" were not real capitalists.

Then the financial crisis came. It first hit in mid-1997, and many believe it was a direct result of Thailand's economic crisis. The crisis worsen with the scheduling of the People's Consultative Assembly's General Session in March 1998, with the main agenda being to "elect" a "new" national leadership. It eventually turned into a political crisis too. But Soeharto was determined to run for his seventh consecutive five-year term in office. Supported by his political machine, Soeharto, as expected, became president again.

The economic and political crises made the political climate like a house of cards. Lacking sensitivity, Soeharto filled his new Cabinet with cronies, and appointed one of his daughters minister of social affairs. Less than two months after the formation of the new Cabinet, political tension mounted to an unbearable level. On May 12, four Trisakti University students were shot dead following a peaceful demonstration.

The shootings immediately sparked the emotions of the masses. To the majority of people, the New Order regime had become soulless. Within a week, Indonesia experienced one of its most tumultuous periods in history. For three days, from May 13 through to May 15, six of the country's largest cities were hit by massive riots, probably the largest riots in Indonesia's history. Days later, hundreds of thousand students and members of the public poured into the streets. Chanting and demanding total reform, thousands marched to the legislative building in Jakarta and occupied it for several days.

This forced Soeharto to step down. Instead of returning the presidential mandate to the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) he gave the mandate to vice president B.J. Habibie. The new president is weak, but his weakness is one of his strengths. Everyone close to him feels that they can use him, and thus balancing the power is everyone's interest. The government scheduled another general election on June 7, 1999, only two years after the last election.

Forty-eight political parties, instead of three, competed for 462 seats in the House of Representatives, with the remaining 38 seats going to the military. The election was the first democratic poll since 1965, and the results should have a long-term effect on domestic political stability. The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI Perjuangan) won a majority in the House (DPR) with 35 percent of seats, followed by Golkar, the United Development Party (PPP), the National Awakening Party (PKB), the Crescent and Stars Party (PBB) and the National Mandate Party (PAN).

Despite its position as a simple majority party, PDI Perjuangan lost the political battle to install chairwoman Megawati Soekarnoputri as president. In a tight race against a strategic coalition of Golkar and the Axis Force, a coalition of various Islamic parties, PDI Perjuangan also lost the strategic posts of speakers of the House and People's Consultative Assembly. After losing out on the presidency, Megawati was elected as vice president.

— Last updated: May 25, 2001.

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Kalla's other options

Fransiskus Surdiasis and Rais Hidayat, Jakarta

The future of President Susilo Bambang Yudho-yono (SBY) and Vice President Jusuf Kalla's (JK) partnership is being questioned: Will they separate after five years of solid partnership? SBY's strategy of not mentioning who he prefers to be his vice presidential candidate puts Kalla and his Golkar Party in a position to look at other options.

Although this issue is not on the agenda of Golkar's current national meeting, it is presumed it will get the most attention from the party's elite and from the media coverage.

Those who support the pair continue to argue that one should never to change the winning team. SBY, so far, has a better opportunity of securing his second term if he retains JK as his vice president.

SBY's cautious character and JK's pragmatic and decisive one is the best combination to lead a nation in change. SBY's Democratic Party and JK's Golkar Party coalition provide more guarantees to attain the 20 percent legislative seat minimum requirement for a party or coalition of parties to be eligible to nominate a presidential and vice presidential candidate.

Theoretically, there may be a maximum of five presidential candidates. But it is predicted there will only be three candidates in the 2009 presidential election.

First, is the incumbent President SBY, and his Vice President JK.

Second, is former president Me-gawati, who is nominated by her party, the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P).

Third, an alternative candidate, who would be nominated by a coalition of small parties or a coalition of Islamic-based political parties like the Crescent Star Party (PBB), the United Development Party (PPP) and the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS).

If SBY prefers another name to team up with him, Golkar may join this coalition and be its backbone. Golkar can take the lead in building an alternative block to challenge the two current blocks: Block S refers to Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Block M refers to Megawati Soekarnoputri.

President SBY has openly announced his bid to contest a second term, but without naming who will be his running mate. But such a delaying tactic is seen by some analysts as a signal that President SBY may widen his choice for his next vice president.

Several names have appeared in the media, like Finance Minister Sri Mulyani, Muhammadiyah chairman Din Syamsuddin and People's Consultative Assembly Speaker Hidayat Nur Wahid from the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS).

If SBY does go with another name, JK and the Golkar Party will have some options to consider.

First, despite what the pollsters say about his unlikely chance of success, Jusuf Kalla runs for president. This would be ideal for JK and also for the Golkar Party. JK has all the requirements to be a president. Some of Golkar's senior members are looking at this option. If this is the way to go, the challenge would lie with voters' behavior. Popularity, and not competence, has more appeal to voters.

The Indonesian Survey Institute's (LSI) survey in September showed JK is only supported by 2 percent of voters. His popularity in 2003 was only 1 percent. It means that in five years JK's popularity only increased by 1 percent. The LSI is not alone in such a prediction.

Danareksa political surveys in October and November 2008 showed only a very small number of voters (1 percent and 2 percent respectively) support JK for president.

With such survey results, JK and Golkar should come up with a brilliant strategy to make an impact in this election. Although probably an impossible mission, JK still has an opportunity if he comes up with the right issues defining this election, and with the right man as his vice presidential candidate.

The second option is Golkar naming JK as vice president, teaming him up with another Golkar figure as the presidential candidate, such as Sultan Hamengkubuwono X. But this choice is unlikely, because if he is to remain as number two, JK would prefer to stay with SBY.

It would not be impossible for JK to pick up the Sultan as his vice presidential candidate. Some may say JK does not need to run in the presidential election. He can be a great kingmaker. But people, including JK, usually choose to be the king themselves.

Of course, there are many possibilities, and it is still very difficult to predict who will be the winner of the July presidential election.

The writers are members of The Jakarta Post's Research and Development Department.

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