Senin, 30 Juni 2008

My Peace Book ( part 3 )

By : Yusuf Islam

Differences Are Natural
If everybody believed and followed one way, there would be no wars and peace would fill the earth. But part of God's plan is to test everyone with what they have been given. [4] So today we see different people, of many colors and different religions, these differences came over a period of time. In the Qur'an it tells us that all the messengers and Prophets came to teach how to worship One God and be good to each other. It also tells us that people are free to choose whether to believe or not, that is why today we can see churches, synagogues, temples and Mosques, and millions of people dressing and praying differently.

A believer is not allowed to make fun of other religions because that might create bad feelings in return and people may start fighting. So the Prophet, peace be upon him, taught us how to behave and try to be just to everybody, because he was the last Prophet sent to all mankind and a mercy to all the worlds.

Once a Jew and a Muslim were arguing. The Muslim was saying that the Prophet Muhammad was the best and the Jew was saying Moses was the best. Then the Muslim slapped the Jew. So the Jew went to the Prophet, peace be upon him. He told him what had happened and the Muslim was called. The Prophet, peace be upon him, then told the Muslim, "Do not try to make me higher than Moses, because on the Day of Judgment all people will struck with sleep, lifeless, and I will be one of them, but I will be the first to wake up and will see Moses standing and holding the side of the Throne of Allah. I will not know if he was also asleep and got up before me.' [5]

Even though Allah in His Holy Book had said that Muhammad himself was created with the best human nature, when he was once asked who was best amongst all the persons in the world, the Prophet never mentioned himself, instead he said, "Joseph, the Prophet, son of a Prophet, son of a Prophet, son of Allah's friend (meaning the great Grandfather, Prophet Abraham) [6]
He taught us to respect all Prophets of God equally, but mentioned some with extra honour: he said, "And if a man believes in Jesus and then believes in me, he will get a double reward." [7]

Love Leads to Peace
In the beginning we talked about learning to Love before we can find peace. That is why we must try to love and follow the Prophet, peace be upon him. He was told to say, "If you love God, follow me, God will love you and forgive you your sins'. [8]

The last Prophet, peace be upon him, taught us to respect human life and property, how to look after the earth and the animals over which we have been given power. He showed us the path to peace and called all people and believers in God's Words to join together, bowing to One God. He read the Qur'an to people of all Faiths:

"There hath come to you from Allah a (new) Light and a clear Book. Whereby God guides those who seek His good pleasure to paths of peace. He brings them out of darkness unto light by His power, and guides them unto a straight way. [9]

And so we ask Allah to send His peace and blessings on the last Prophet, Muhammad and on all of the Prophets who brought us the good news and showed us the way, if we follow their tracks, doing good and avoiding bad, one day – insha Allah (God willing) we will arrive at the home of everlasting Peace – Dar As salam.

There is a prayer that the Prophet, peace be upon him, taught, "Oh Allah! Your are Peace, from You comes Peace, So help us to live in Peace, Oh owner of Majesty and Honour'.

Listen to Yusuf Islam read "Peace Notes"
[4] "To those against whom war is made permission is given (to fight) because they are wronged and verily Allah is Most powerful for their aid. (They are) those who have been expelled from their homes in defiance of right (for no cause) except that they say "Our Lord is Allah." Did not Allah check one set of people by means of another there would surely have been pulled down monasteries churches synagogues and mosques in which the name of Allah is commemorated in abundant measure. Allah will certainly aid those who aid His (cause); for verily Allah is Full of Strength Exalted in Might (Able to enforce His Will). The Qur'an: Surah al Hajj (22), 39-40
[5] Two persons, a Muslim and a Jew, quarreled. The Muslim said, "By Him Who gave Muhammad superiority over all the people!" The Jew said, "By Him Who gave Moses superiority over all the people!" At that the Muslim raised his hand and slapped the Jew on the face. The Jew went to the Prophet and informed him of what had happened between him and the Muslim. The Prophet sent for the Muslim and asked him about it. The Muslim informed him of the event. The Prophet said, "Do not give me superiority over Moses, for on the Day of Resurrection all the people will fall unconscious and I will be one of them, but I will be the first to gain consciousness, and will see Moses standing and holding the side of the Throne (of Allah). I will not know whether (Moses) has also fallen unconscious and got up before me, or Allah has exempted him from that stroke." Reported by Abu Hurairah: Sahih Bukhari
[6] The people said, "O Allah's Apostle! Who is the most honorable amongst the people (in Allah's Sight)?" He said, "The most righteous amongst them." They said, "We do not ask you, about this." He said, "Then Joseph, Allah's Prophet, the son of Allah's Prophet, the son of Allah's Prophet the son of Allah's Khalil (i.e. Abraham)." They said, "We do not want to ask about this," He said, "Then you want to ask about the descent of the Arabs. Those who were the best in the pre-lslamic period of ignorance will be the best in Islam provided they comprehend the religious knowledge." Reported by Abu Hurairah: Agreed Upon
[7] Reported by Abu Musa Al Ashar: Sahih Bukhari
[8] Say: "If ye do love Allah follow me: Allah will love you and forgive you your sins for Allah is Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful." The Qur'an: Ali Imran (3), 31
[9] The Qur'an: Al Ma'idah (5), 16-17

My Peace Book ( part 2 )

by Yusuf Islam

Give Generously
Money is one of those things that often cause people to fight. If we listen to the Prophet's teachings we will learn how to avoid this. Sharing and being charitable is one of the best ways to avoid jealousy. So if we have wealth, we should always give some away to poor people who have little or nothing. This brings peace and balance between those who have not and those who have. If we can, we also lend to people who are in need, but we must not ask for more back than we gave, that is called "Riba' or interest, and that is forbidden to do.

Work Hard and Be Honest
In business we should be fair and not raise the price of things people need. There is enough for all people on this earth to eat, but some are holding food back because it keeps the price high and that makes them more money.

God has especially blessed whatever you earn by hard work with your hands Once a man came to the Prophet, peace be upon him, and asked for help, he taught him to cut wood and later the man became very rich and never asked anyone for anything again. [2]

So the Prophet, peace be upon him, taught us to always be satisfied with even a little. He said, "(A person) who lives a day in safety of his life , with a healthy body and food enough for one day, is like a person to whom the world and all it contains has been given' [3] That's how we should look at life, always positive, and smiling.

Love and the Family
Men and Women must try live together in love and peace. This is why the family is so important, without a loving family, children feel unwanted and alone. Mothers and Fathers should try to make the home a place of peace and happiness. Everybody should share in the work and to help clean the house, especially children.

The Prophet, peace be upon him, was the best of Fathers, he taught elders to be merciful to children and for children to love and respect their elders. Even though he was himself an orphan - his father passed away before he was born and his mother died when he was six - the Prophet especially told us to look after our Mothers and that Paradise was hidden under their feet. That means we must never be too proud to serve our Parents, even if they cannot buy you everything you want.

Caring for Orphans
Sometimes children from rich homes are spoilt; they show off and are proud because of the things they have, this causes envy. Those who don't have nice clothes and big houses feel sad. So we should think about the poor orphans, who have no Mother or Father, and no food, let alone money to buy nice clothes.

War & Peace
Throughout man's history people have started wars. There are always people ready to fight you, but you have to think, what are you fighting for? God the Almighty has given permission to defend yourself and fight back when someone is driving you out you out of your homes. So fighting is sometimes necessary, but it should never go further than it needs to. If your enemies agree to stop fighting, you should accept it and make peace.

Once the Prophet, peace be upon him, made a peace agreement called the "Treaty of Hudayybiyah' with the Makkan Tribes who had been fighting the Muslims. Even though the Tribal Chiefs were forbidding Muslims from making pilgrimage to the House of God in Makkah, he agreed to their request and signed the Treaty. Next year they were allowed to make the pilgrimage.

Years later, when the Makkans broke the Treaty and went back on their word, the Prophet and his companions, after twenty years of suffering and being driven out of their homes, marched with a great Army and opened Makkah. The people were not killed, but instead he forgave them and let them live in peace.

Peace is necessary for people to enjoy life and return to their homelands, so families can be joined together again and have the freedom to worship God, calmly and without fear.
Look how kind the Prophet was to his enemies. To be good is not easy, especially when people are attacking you. Sometimes it feels like a war is raging in your heart, that's when you have to be strong to fight what is inside you!

Listen to Yusuf Islam read "Peace Notes"
[2] A man of the Ansar came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and begged from him. He (the Prophet) asked: Have you nothing in your house? He replied: Yes, a piece of cloth, a part of which we wear and a part of which we spread (on the ground), and a wooden bowl from which we drink water. He said: Bring them to me. He then brought these articles to him and he (the Prophet) took them in his hands and asked: Who will buy these? A man said: I shall buy them for one dirham. He said twice or thrice: Who will offer more than one dirham? A man said: I shall buy them for two dirhams. He gave these to him and took the two dirhams and, giving them to the Ansari, he said: Buy food with one of them and hand it to your family, and buy an axe and bring it to me. He then brought it to him. The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) fixed a handle on it with his own hands and said: Go, gather firewood and sell it, and do not let me see you for a fortnight. The man went away and gathered firewood and sold it. When he had earned ten dirhams, he came to him and bought a garment with some of them and food with the others. The Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) then said: This is better for you than that begging should come as a spot on your face on the Day of Judgment. Begging is right only for three people: one who is in grinding poverty, one who is seriously in debt, or one who is responsible for compensation and finds it difficult to pay. Reported by Anas Ibn Malik: Abu Dawood

The Prophet said, "No doubt, it is better for a person to take a rope and go in the morning to the mountains and cut the wood and then sell it, and eat from the money he makes and give charity from it than to ask others for something." Reported by Abu Hurairah: Sahih Bukhari
[3] "Ubaydullah Bin Muhsin Al Ansari Al Khatmi, At Tirmidhi.

My Peace Book ( part 1 )

by Yusuf Islam

In the name of God, the Giver of Peace

Belief, Love and Peace for All
Wouldn't it be nice if we could all live together on earth in Peace? Imagine, there'd be nobody stealing; nobody hurting or killing; no one shouting or swearing or calling names, people would love and look after each other. Wouldn't that be like heaven on earth?

Well. That's exactly what the Last Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, was sent to teach us: how people, all over the earth, can learn to live in peace together, without fighting each other, and enjoy all the good things God has given us. How?

The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "You will not enter heaven until you believe; and you will not believe until you love one another. Should I not guide you to a thing that if you do it will increase love amongst you? Spread "As salam' (peace be with you)" [1]

In this special saying of the Prophet, he mentions three important things: Belief, Love and Peace. Each one is important and they are all linked closely together. If we want to enjoy peace we should believe and want happiness not just for ourselves but for others as well. These three life-altering things could really change our world, if only people could practice them. Maybe it's because some, are just not looking for them in the right place, they look everywhere but sometimes forget to look at themselves, in their own hearts, where belief, love and peace begin.

Many Ways to Peace
A companion of the Prophet, peace be upon him, told us that he heard the Prophet say: "O people! Spread Salam (the greetings of peace), feed (the poor and needy), be kind to your relatives, offer prayer when others are asleep, and (you will) enter Paradise in peace."
Let's look now at some of the other things which the Prophet taught, to keep us out of trouble and make the world a better place:

Don't Be Angry
First, try not to get angry. Sometimes we're tested by being bullied or pushed, often there'll be someone who wants to show that they are better or stronger than you; they go out of their way to prove it and make you feel small. Well? What do we do?

The Prophet, peace be upon him, was once asked by a man to give him advice. The Prophet told him, "La taghdab!' Which means, "Don't be angry!' But the man didn't listen, and kept on repeating his request. The Prophet, peace be upon him, just kept on telling him the same answer, "Don't be angry! Don't be angry!'

Patience and Prayer
Patience and Prayer are the best ways to deal with any bad thing that happens. Being patient sometimes means to do nothing except wait for Allah to remove whatever is bothering us. Sometimes it means not to give up your belief and stand firm; not to be shaken. Whenever we need extra help, we should turn to God and pray. And if we are true believers, we won't only do this when we need something, but we will pray everyday. Then we will be closer God, and know that He will always be with us when we need Him.

Don't Bad-Mouth Anybody
Sometimes it's not others, but we who cause harm and disturb the peace. Think about it. Haven't you ever said something that might have hurt somebody's feelings or called them nasty names? Maybe we spoke badly behind their backs. That is called "Ghibah' or backbiting. When they hear about what you said it creates pain and hate in their hearts. So the Prophet, peace be upon him, taught us never to talk badly about others, and never to talk behind their backs.
However, if somebody does it to you, instead of getting upset, know that God is with you if you stay patient; try to learn to forgive them as you wish God to forgive you. Also, if you hear somebody talking badly about someone else, don't just listen; instead, stop them or try to say something good that would make the person they're talking about pleased. The Prophet, peace be upon him said, "Speak good or be silent.' This way, you create peace and harmony. Just listen to the silence of the Sunlight, which makes everybody warm and happy.

Source :

Minggu, 29 Juni 2008

Seratus Hari/Air Kehidupan

Dari Wikibooks Indonesia, sumber buku teks bebas berbahasa Indonesia

Panutu dengan tubuhnya yang besar dan subur akan tetapi dengan wajah yang pucat tanpak bersila di tengah tanah lapang yang berumput pendek itu. Wajahnya kian bertambah mengerikan demi adanya percikan-percikan darah di sana-sini. Di hadapannya sebuah wadah kayu, semacam baskom, tampak penuh terisi cairan merah. Darah. Darah dari orang yang barusan dikuburkan oleh muridnya, Reiche.
Orang tua itu pun tampak berkonsentrasi sebentar kemudian dari ubun-ubunya tampak uap mengepul ke atas. Semakin lama semakin putih dan tebal. Butir-butir keringat pun tampak mulai bermunculan dan berjatuhan dari wajah dan lehernya.
"Hehhhh!!!" dengan diiringi hembusan napas yang penuh pemusatan pikiran ia mulai menggerak-gerakkan tangannya. Perlahan dan kemudian semakin cepat. Keras lalu lemah. Mengalir lalu patah. Sampai suatu saat ia terdiam dan mulai memandang ke dalam basok berisi darah manusia itu. Perlahan cairan merah yang ada di dalam wadah tersebut tampak seperti hidup, berbuih-buih dan mulai meloncat-locat tapi tidak terpercik ke mana-mana. Lengket.
Dengan suatu hentakan cairan tersebut naik ke udara dan bergerak bagaikan api yang menyala. Cairan berwarna merah kehitaman. Menyebar membentuk uap dan mengelilingi diri sang empunya. Perlahan uap merah yang menyebar itu perlahan mengental dan melingkupi orang tua tersebut. Membalutnya dalam warna merah indah dan dingin. Darah.
Reiche yang baru saja tiba sehabis menguburkan orang yang dibohonginya itu tampak tertegun melihat apa yang dilakukan oleh gurunya. Ia belum pernah menyaksikan atau membaca mengenai hal tersebut. Ia pun diam untuk tidak mengganggu pemusatan pikiran gurunya.
"Syesss!!!" cairan kental berwarna merah yang tadinya membungkus rapat tubuh Panutu tampak seperti air yang dimasukkan ke dalam tungku panas, menguap dan langsung hilang. Perlahan seluruh cairan yang tadi tampak hidup itu menguap dan hilang sama sekali. Hanya warna-warna kemerahan tampak tertinggal pada sekujur tubuh Panutu.
"Segar rasanya!!" ucap Panutu saat ia selesai dari rapalan ilmunya dan mulai bangkit. Ia melihat bahwa semua darah telah digunakan dan diserap olehnya tadi.
"Terima kasih, Reich!" ujarnya demi melihat muridnya duduk tak jauh dari sana. "Tapi aku masih butuh beberapa kali lagi. Sepuluh orang mungkin sudah cukup,"
Reiche hanya mengangguk lemah. Ia tidak tahu harus berkata apa. Mencari sembilan orang lagi untuk dibawa ke sini, bukan perkara mudah. Tapi gurunya pasti tidak mau tahu, permintaan itu harus dituruti demi pengobatannya.
"Kepalang tanggung," tiba-tiba sebuah suara berbicara di kepalanya, "lebih baik tanya-tanya mengenai hal ini. Siapa tahu suatu saat ia bisa memanfaatkannya." Setelah membulatkan tekadnya, ia pun mulai berbicara, "Guru, itu ilmu apa tadi?"
"Itu disebut Menyerap Air Kehidupan, bagian dari Memanfaatkan Kehidupan Lain," jelasnya.
"Air Kehidupan? Darah maksudnya?" tanya Reiche yang pikirannya tiba-tiba saling mengait setelah menyaksikan apa yang barusan itu.
"Benar! Darah adalah Air Kehidupan. Orang dapat memanfaatkan air kehidupan dari makhluk lain untuk apa saja. Tapi yang paling bagus adalah dari jenis makhluk yang sama. Dan untuk kita, ya.. darah manusia," ujar gurunya. Tak tampak adanya rasa risih dalam menjelaskan itu. Tampak baginya memanfaatkan nyawa dan tubuh manusia lain adalah biasa-biasa saja.
Lalu diceritakannya sedikit bahwa ilmunya itu berdasar dari ujaran empat elemen penyusun alam ini, yaitu air, api, udara dan tanah. Kedua elemen yang dilatihnya adalah api dan berdasar dari gerakan udara.
"Tapi darah itu..?" tanya Reiche tanpa sadar.
"Hahahaha!! Engkau pintar, Reiche! Baru sedikit diceritakan sudah bisa mengira-ngira. Ya, betul.. darah itu bukan air murni. Melainkan air mengandung api -- sumber perubahan, kehidupan," jelasnya. "Karena kau dilukai oleh pukulan dengan elemen yang berlawanan, yaitu air, aku harus mengobatinya dengan air lagi tapi yang mengandung api. Air mengandung api, yaitu darah itu."
"Lalu, lawan guru harus mengobati dirinya dengan api mengandung air?" tebak Reiche demi mendengar penjelasan itu. "Dan itu..."
"Benar.., benar demikian!" jawab Pambuka terbahak-bahak, "Api mengandung air. Api yang sifatnya mengalir dan dingin. Tidak mudah memperolehnya. Dan aku sangsikan ia akan dapat memilikinya."
"Adakah bendanya guru?" tanya Reiche lanjut.
"Mengapa engkau ingin tahu?" tanya Pambuka balik. Ia melihat dengan selidik wajah muridnya.
"Hanya untuk berjaga-jaga, siapa tahu suatu saat aku terluka dalam keadaan itu," jawab Reiche serius.
"Baik.. baik itu untuk tahu. Tapi sejujurnya aku tidak tahu. Guruku pernah bilang dulu ada kitab yang namanya Seratus Hari, di sana orang menuliskan hal-hal yang berlawanan tersebut dan bagaimana mengobatinya," terang Panutu.
Teringat Reiche pada kitab kuno yang diberikan oleh gurunya itu dulu kepadanya. Apa kitab itu?
"Bukan.., bukan kitab itu!" ujar gurunya yang seakan-akan dapat menebak pikiran Reiche, "Kitab yang aku berikan itu lebih berisi cerita-cerita mengenai kitab sebenarnya. Dan lagi di tengahnya ada tulisan-tulisan aneh. Sudah pasti bukan kitab yang dimaksud itu."
Reiche hanya mengangguk namun dalam pikirannya berkecamuk hal lain. Hanya ia yang tahu bagian kitab yang sudah diuraiakn sandinya itu. Mungkin dengan membacanya sekali lagi ia dapa melihat apa itu kitab yang asli atau bukan. Dan ia belum dapat memutuskan apa akan memberitahu Panutu, gurunya, atau tidak.
"Mari kita pulang!" ajak Panutu. "Curiga nanti orang-orang, bila kita terlalu lama menghilang."
Reiche mengangguk mengiyakan. Mereka pun kemudian kembali ke tempat tinggal mereka tidak lewat jalan mereka tadi datang ke tempat itu.
Di sana di tempat dari mana mereka pergi telah muncul sebuah gundukan baru. Sebuah makam orang yang baru saja 'air kehidupan'-nya diambil dan dibiarkan mati kekeringan karenanya.

Sabtu, 28 Juni 2008

NASA Pamerkan Desain Terbaru Roket ke Bulan

HUNSTSVILLE, RABU - Desain terbaru roket yang akan dipakai untuk mengirimkan astronot ke Bulan berukuran lebih besar dari versi sebelumnya. Badan antariksa AS NASA memamerkan desain roket yang diberi nama Ares V itu di Pusat Ruang Angkasa Marshall, Huntsville, Alabama, AS, Rabu (25/6) waktu setempat.

Panjang roket tersebut 6 meter lebih panjang daripada desain sebelumnya. Selain itu, roket juga terdiri dari enam tingkat atau ditambahkan satu tingkat. Para insinyur NASA juga memperbesar ukuran dua roket pendorong agar memuat bahan bakar lebih banyak dan mengangkut beban lebih berat.

Dengan perubahan desain, panjang roket Ares V berubah dari rencana awal 108,3 meter menjadi 114 meter. Roket tersebut sanggup mengangkut kapsul berisi empat orang astronot, sebuah kendaraan pendarat di Bulan, dan peralatan pendukung kehidupan selama misi. Suatu saat,

Ares V juga dipakai untuk mengirim logistik seberat 78.300 kilogram dalam sekali peluncuran saat stasiun antariksa di Bulan telah dibangun. Roket ini juga menjadi basispengembangan kendaraan ulang alik yang akan dikirim untuk misi ke Mars.

Pembuatan roket ini akan dimulai tahun 2010 begitu operasional seluruh pesawat ulang alik dipensiunkan.

Source :

Liberasi Pasar Pertanian Mengakibatkan Krisis Harga Pangan

Organisasi Pangan dan Pertanian Dunia (FAO) telah mengeluarkan peringatan mengenai krisis pangan dunia pada akhir Desember 2007. Krisis pangan yang berupa peningkatan harga dunia membawa ancaman kepada negara dunia ketiga yang tidak memiliki kekuatan ekonomi seperti negara-negara maju. Laporan FAO tersebut terbukti, diawal 2008 harga pangan di sebagian besar negara dunia ketiga mengalami kenaikan yang sangat tinggi, termasuk di Indonesia.

Padahal di saat yang bersamaan produksi pangan dunia mengalami peningkatan. Produksi gandum dunia yang harganya naik pada awal 2008 ini ternyata mengalami peningkatan yang lebih besar lagi yaitu hingga 9,34 juta ton antara tahun 2006 dan 2007. Sementara produksi gula dunia juga meningkat sebesar 4,44 juta ton sepanjang tahun 2007 lalu. Suatu angka yang cukup mencengangkan ditunjukkan dalam produksi jagung dunia pada tahun 2007 lalu yang mencapai rekor produksi 781 juta ton atau meningkat 89,35 juta ton. Hanya kedelai yang mengalami penurunan produksi sebesar 17 persen, itu pun karena ada penuyusutan lahan di Amerika Serikat sebesar 15 persen untuk proyek biofuel.

Sejak akhir Perang Dunia II jumlah penduduk dunia telah bertambah dua kali lipat, dan produksi pangan dunia meningkat tiga kali lipat. Hal ini menujukkan bahwa dunia mampu memberi makan bagi semua penghuninya. Krisis harga pangan yang terjadi saat ini, bukan disebabkan kekuarangan bahan pangan melainkan karena distribusi yang tidak merata. Saat ini masih ada 854 juta orang yang terancam kelaparan di muka bumi ini karena tidak sanggup membeli harga pangan yang saat ini dikendalikan perusahaan-perusahaan eksportir pangan multinasional. Di Indonesia krisis harga pangan sudah mulai terasa. Harga bahan pangan melambung, karena pasar pangan nasional sudah tidak karuan lagi tergerus pasar global.

Menurut Henry Saragih, Ketua Umum Serikat Petani Indonesia (SPI), hal ini terjadi karena pada tahun 1998 pemerintah menyerahkan kebijakan pangannya kepada pasar. Setelah masuk pasar bebas dalam hal ini WTO, pemerintah Indonesia melakukan liberaslisasi dan privatisasi dalam perdagangan pangan sehingga sistem pangan lokal hancur luluh. “Petani padi, jagung, kacang kedelai dan buah-buahan hancur semua,” tuturnya.

Dengan adanya kebijakan pasar bebas, perusahaan-perusahaan menggenjot produksi pangan berorientasi ekspor. Akibatnya, petani-petani dibelahan dunia lain tak sanggup menahan gempuran pangan ekspor. Kehancuran pertanian pun menjadi kenyataan, surplus pangan berlebih dari negara-negara maju membanjiri pasar nasional. Di saat yang sama, pemerintah kita malah menggenjot produksi hasil perkebunan berorientasi ekspor juga seperti CPO. Produksi tanaman pangan di dalam negeri menjadi terbengkalai.

Henry menegaskan jalan keluar krisis harga pangan ini adalah dengan menegakkan kedaulatan pangan. Kedaulatan pangan berarti memberikan hak kepada setiap negara untuk mengatur dan memproteksi tata pertanian di masing-masing negara. Negara harus memproteksi petani dari gempuran pasar bebas. Produksi pertanian harus ditujukkan kepada pemenuhan kebutuhan rakyat bukan pada kebutuhan pasar ekspor yang hanya menguntungkan perusahaan-perusahaan multinasional. Kedualatan pangan harus memprioritaskan pemenuhan pasar lokal dan nasional dan memberdayakan petani kecil di pedesaan.

Selain itu, Henry juga menjelaskan bahwa keterpurukan ini diperkuat oleh tidak adanya kebijakan pembaruan agraria, yaitu membagikan tanah kepada rakyat. Malah pemerintah sibuk mengkapling-kapling tanah untuk perusahaan-perusahaan perkebunan. Saat ini kebanyakan lahan-lahan perkebunan sudah dikelola oleh perushaan-perusahaan besar, bukan keluarga petani. Padahal perusahaan perkebunan itu semuanya berorientasi ekspor. Sehingga pangan yang krusial bagi makanan rakyat tidak terpenuhi.

Saat ini para petani membutuhkan lahan untuk meningkatkan produktivitasnya. Kepemilikan lahan petani yang hanya berkisar 0,3 hektar, jauh dari mencukupi untuk melakukan produksi yang efektif. “Petani membutuhkan lahan untuk berproduksi. Kini saatnya pembaruan agrarian dijalankan, tanah-tanah pertanian subur segera dibagikan kepada rakyat,” tegas Henry.

Source :

Atlas Penciptaan dan Pameran Fosil Menyebabkan Kepanikan di Prancis dan Turki

Oleh : Harun Yahya

Pameran fosil yang berlanjut dengan kecepatan penuh di seluruh wilayah Turki tampak menyebabkan kegelisahan mendalam dan kepanikan di kalangan lingkaran media tertentu. Tidak mampu menyodorkan bukti apa pun yang membantahnya dan dilanda kepanikan karena dihadapkan perkembangan ini, kalangan tersebut mengambil langkah pelarangan dan penghalangan. Namun, menerbitkan laporan yang ditujukan dalam rangka penghentian pameran fosil dan pelarangan buku Atlas Penciptaan tidak dapat menghentikan runtuhnya Darwinisme.
Yang seharusnya dilakukan media Darwinis adalah menampilkan fosil-fosil bentuk peralihan yang menunjukkan bukti evolusi, daripada mencoba menutupi temuan-temuan ilmiah tersebut. Namun tak satu fosil bentuk peralihan pun telah ditemukan hingga kini, dan tidaklah mungkin fosil itu akan ditemukan di masa mendatang. Sungguh, semua tantangan kami kepada para evolusionis agar mereka memamerkan bentuk-bentuk peralihan mana pun yang mungkin mereka miliki tidak pernah dipenuhi, dan kaum Darwinis menjadi bungkam di hadapan temuan-temuan fosil yang membuktikan fakta Penciptaan.
Mereka yang berusaha menghentikan pameran fosil tidak sadar bahwa terdapat jutaan fosil di bawah bangunan-bangunan tempat fosil-fosil ini dipamerkan dan di bawah jalan-jalan yang mereka lalui untuk meliput masalah ini, dan bahwa masing-masing dari fosil ini mengarahkan kepada Penciptaan. Di daerah mana pun di Anatolia dilakukan penggalian, atau di kota mana pun di Marmara, atau di distrik mana pun di Istanbul, tidak peduli jalan mana yang digali, jutaan fosil yang keberadaannya membuat orang-orang ini sedemikian ketakuan akan ditemukan. Hanya beberapa contoh, seperti fosil ikan berumur 15 juta tahun ditemukan selama penggalian sebuah sumur di Feke, Adana; fosil gajah, kambing dan kuda nil berumur 10-8 juta tahun, ditemukan di Nevshir; fosil ikan gurami berumur 15 juta tahun ditemukan di penambangan batu di Silifke, Mersin; atau fosil gajah, rusa, badak, jerapah, kambing dan beruang ditemukan di Kokluce, Sivas merupakan bukti berlimpahnya jumlah fosil yang membuktikan Penciptaan yang ada di perut bumi.
Menyebarluaskan liputan berjudul “Tutup pameran-pameran ini!” atau “Larang buku ini!” dan menggunakannya untuk ditanamkan ke dalam pikiran masyarakat umum, padahal bumi yang mereka injak dipenuhi fosil yang membuktikan fakta Penciptaan, menunjukkan kesulitan mengenaskan yang kini dialami sendiri oleh kaum Darwinis.
Hanya fosil-fosil yang benar-benar telah membatu yang ditampilkan pada pameran ini, dan di bawahnya ditulis kata-kata “fosil ini tetap tidak berubah selama ratusan juta tahun.” Fosil-fosil tersebut sama persis dengan spesimen masa kini, dan masyarakat umum dapat memahami hal ini dengan mudah tanpa perlu penjelasan lebih dalam. Jutaan fosil, seperti laba-laba berumur 125 juta tahun, buaya berumur 100 juta tahun, udang berumur 95 juta tahun, semut berumur 45 juta tahun, pakis berumur 300 juta tahun, daun tumbuhan Willow berumur 50 juta tahun atau tengkorak hyena berumur 80 juta tahun memberitahu kita “kami tidak pernah berevolusi, kami diciptakan.” Fosil-fosil ini menunjukkan bahwa teori evolusi adalah sebuah mitos, tanpa perlu penjabaran tambahan apa pun. Siapa pun yang berpikir lurus dengan daya pemahaman dapat dengan mudah memahami ini. Sekali mereka melihat bukti-bukti yang terlampau jelas dan nyata ini, masyarakat tidak akan tersesatkan lagi oleh penipuan Darwinisme.
Bertahun-tahun, Darwinisme benar-benar telah memiliki pengaruh hipnotis pada masyarakat dan menanamkan ke dalam pikiran mereka sebuah kebohongan besar. Namun sekarang tiada guna lagi bagi media evolusionis melanjutkan kebohongan ini dengan cara yang begitu menyedihkan. Sebagaimana ratusan ribu orang yang telah melihat dan menerima fakta-fakta yang sebenarnya, mereka juga wajib mengakui bahwa mereka telah “dibohongi” dan sadar bahwa tidaklah pernah terlambat untuk memperbaiki kerusakan yang telah dilakukan.
Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh Darwinisme di Turki terus berkurang setiap harinya. Pada awal 1980-an, jumlah orang yang tidak percaya pada evolusi sekitar 30 – 40%, namun sebuah jajak pendapat yang dilakukan pada 2006 menunjukkan bahwa 75% rakyat Turki tidak lagi percaya pada teori evolusi. Menurut jajak pendapat terakhir oleh Yayasan Pengkajian Ekonomi dan Sosial Turki (TESEV), 87,4% rakyat Turki percaya bahwa “Tuhan menciptakan manusia.”
Perkembangan serupa terjadi di Prancis, di mana orang-orang dikejutkan dengan fakta-fakta ilmiah yang mereka saksikan pada Atlas Penciptaan. Jika jajak pendapat dilakukan tahun depan, maka akan tampak perbedaan besar antara jumlah orang di Prancis yang mempercayai teori evolusi tahun lalu dan tahun depan. Jika ditanyai tahun depan, sejumlah besar masyarakat Prancis akan mengatakan bahwa mereka tidak percaya pada Darwinisme. Dan tidak hanya di Prancis; orang-orang di Italia, Inggris, Jerman, Swis, Denmark dan Belgia, singkatnya, orang-orang di seluruh dunia, akan menyaksikan fakta-fakta tersebut dan dengan segera terbebaskan dari sihir Darwinisme. Matahari yang akan menerangi seluruh dunia telah lahir.
Formula Darwinisme yang Tidak Rasional, Tidak Logis dan Tidak Ilmiah
Pada kenyataannya, pernyataan mendasar Darwinisme sepenuhnya tidaklah ilmiah, dan ketiadaan nalarnya sedemikian jelas sehingga anak usia sekolah dasar pun dapat melihatnya. Menurut Darwinisme, dengan cara yang tidak dapat dijelaskan, sel pertama diduga terbentuk di lingkungan zaman purba bumi, dalam sebuah genangan air berlumpur. Dan dari sel tunggal itu, serangkaian kejadian kebetulan tanpa akhir benar-benar memunculkan hewan, tumbuhan, manusia dan peradaban. Dengan kata lain, seluruh umat manusia, dan juga seluruh kerajaan tumbuhan dan hewan, diyakini sebagai hasil karya lumpur berkadar tepat, waktu yang lama dan berlimpah kejadian kebetulan.
Menurut kaum Darwinis, yang menderita kekurangan nalar yang jelas, bahan-bahan tadi, yang masing-masingnya tidak berkesadaran, memunculkan manusia yang memiliki akal dan kesadaran, yang berpikir, mencintai, merasa kasihan, memiliki penilaian bijaksana, menghasilkan lukisan dan patung, menggubah simponi, menulis buku cerita, membangun pencakar langit, membangun reaktor nuklir, menemukan penyebab penyakit dan meramu obat untuk mengobatinya, atau berpolitik. Mereka menyatakan bahwa ketika waktu yang cukup telah terlewati, singa, harimau, kelinci, rusa, gajah, kucing, anjing, ngengat, lalat, buaya dan burung semuanya berevolusi secara kebetulan dari air berlumpur. Semua jenis buah-buahan dan sayur-mayur, dengan rasa dan aromanya yang khas – jeruk, strawberi, pisang, apel, anggur, tomat, lada – bunga dengan bentuk yang tiada bandingannya dan tetumbuhan lain kesemuanya muncul dari lumpur yang sama.
Singkatnya, sejak zaman Darwin, tak terhitung tulisan, karya tulis ilmiah, film, laporan surat kabar, artikel majalah dan acara televisi telah mengulang-ulang cerita evolusionis bahwa semua bentuk kehidupan muncul secara kebetulan dari lumpur. Dengan kata lain, jika Anda bertanya pada seorang Darwinis “Bagaimana peradaban kita muncul?” atau, “Bagaimana begitu banyak bentuk kehidupan muncul menjadi ada?” atau, “Bagaimana manusia menjadi ada?” Inti jawaban yang akan Anda terima adalah ini: Kejadian-kejadian kebetulan memunculkan semua hal tersebut dari lumpur, seiring berjalannya waktu.
Tak diragukan, seseorang mestilah tidak berakal atau tidak memiliki sarana pemahaman apa pun untuk mempercayai dongeng semacam itu. Namun anehnya, teori yang sangat tidak masuk akal dan bertentangan dengan nalar itu memiliki pengikut selama bertahun-tahun dan masih terus disebarluaskan dengan bungkus ilmiah.
Darwin Sendiri Menyatakan bahwa Tidak Ada Fosil Bentuk Peralihan
1. Dalam bab “Kesulitan Pada Teori” dari bukunya, Darwin menulis:
“… Mengapa, jika spesies-spesies telah diturunkan dari spesies lain melalui perubahan halus bertahap, tidak kita saksikan di mana pun bentuk-bentuk peralihan yang tak terhitung? Mengapa seluruh makhluk hidup tidaklah membingungkan tapi malah berwujud spesies, seperti yang kita lihat, yang terpisahkan dengan baik? … Tetapi, karena menurut teori ini bentuk peralihan yang tak terhitung haruslah pernah ada, mengapa kita tidak menemukannya terpendam dalam jumlah tak terhitung dalam kerak bumi? …Lalu kenapa tidak setiap bentukan geologis dan setiap lapisan dipenuhi rantai-rantai peralihan semacam itu? Geologi sudah pasti tidak menyingkap rantai kehidupan apa pun yang berubah secara halus bertahap semacam itu; dan ini, mungkin, adalah keberatan paling jelas dan berat yang dapat dikemukakan untuk melawan teori saya.” (Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species, hal. 172)
2. Walaupun seorang evolusionis, profesor Steven M. Stanley dari Universitas John Hopkins, mengakui fakta tentang catatan fosil, dengan mengatakan:
“Catatan fosil yang diketahui tidaklah, dan tidak pernah, sesuai dengan teori perubahan bertahap… sebagaimana ditulis baru-baru ini oleh sejarawan biologi William Coleman, ‘Sebagian besar pakar fosil merasa bukti-bukti mereka semata-mata bertentangan dengan penekanan Darwin pada perubahan-perubahan teramat kecil, lambat dan terkumpul yang mengarah pada perubahan spesies.’ …kisah mereka telah disembunyikan.” (S. M. Stanley, The New Evolutionary Timetable: Fossils, Genes, and the Origin of Species, Basic Books Inc. Publishers, N.Y., 1981, hal. 71)
3. Pakar fosil Niles Edredge dan antropolog Ian Tattersall, dari Museum Sejarah Alam Amerika, menyatakan bahwa catatan fosil sudah cukup memberikan pemahaman tentang sejarah kehidupan dan bahwa hal itu sama sekali tidak mendukung teori evolusi:
“Bahwa masing-masing jenis fosil diakui tetaplah sama di sepanjang masa keberadaan mereka dalam catatan fosil telah diketahui para ahli fosil jauh sebelum Darwin menerbitkan bukunya. Darwin sendiri, …meramalkan bahwa ilmuwan-fosil generasi mendatang akan mengisi celah ini dengan pencarian yang tekun… Penelitian tentang fosil seratus dua puluh tahun kemudian, telah terlampau jelas bahwa catatan fosil tidak akan membenarkan ramalan Darwin tentang masalah ini. Permasalahan ini bukan pula karena catatan yang sangat tidak lengkap. Catatan fosil sekedar menunjukkan bahwa ramalan ini salah.” (N. Eldredge and I. Tattersall, The Myths of Human Evolution, Columbia University Press, 1982, hal. 45-46)
4. Profesor paleontologi dari Universitas Glasgow, T. Neville George mengakui hal ini bertahun-tahun silam:
“Tidak perlu lagi meminta maaf atas miskinnya catatan fosil. Dalam beberapa hal [catatan fosil] sudah berlimpah hingga hampir susah disusun, dan penemuan melampaui penyusunan… Walaupun begitu, catatan fosil sebagian besarnya masih tersusun atas celah-celah. “(T. N. George, “Fossils in Evolutionary Perspective,” Science Progress, Vol. 48, Januari 1960, hal. 1)
5. Kapan pun catatan fosil disebutkan, sebagian besar orang membuat kesan bahwa terdapat kaitan positif antara catatan fosil dan teori Darwin. Kesalahan ini dibahas dalam sebuah tulisan dalam jurnal Science:
“Sejumlah besar ilmuwan yang terlatih-baik di luar bidang biologi evolusi dan paleontologi sayangnya telah berpikiran bahwa catatan fosil lebih bersifat Darwinis dari pada yang sebenarnya… Di tahun-tahun setelah Darwin, para pembelanya berharap menemukan perkembangan yang dapat diperkirakan. Secara umum, ini masih belum ditemukan namun harapan tersebut telah tetap bertahan, dan sejumlah khayalan murni telah merasuki buku-buku pelajaran.” (Science, 17Juli 1981, hal. 289)
6. Sebagaimana diamati oleh Edmund J. Ambrose, profesor emeritus biologi sel pada Universitas London:
“Pada tahap sekrang dari penelitian geologis, kita harus mengakui bahwa tidak ada sesuatu pun dalam catatan geologis yang bertentangan dengan pandangan para penganut penciptaan konservatif, bahwa Tuhan telah menciptakan tiap-tiap spesies secara terpisah…” (Edmund J. Ambrose, The Nature and Origin of the Biological World, John Wiley & Sons, 1982, hal. 164)
Karya Besar Yang Telah Mengguncang Prancis
Jilid pertama dari tujuh jilid yang direncanakan dari buku Atlas Penciptaan, yang tersusun dari 5.600 halaman dan sekitar 11.000 gambar, telah mengejutkan Prancis.
Karya raksasa setebal 764 halaman ini, satu-satunya di dunia dengan ukuran 28 x 38 sentimeter dan dicetak dengan mutu pengerjaan prima, menampilkan ratusan fosil, masing-masing membantah teori evolusi dan berisi pengetahuan paling meyakinkan tentang keruntuhan Darwinisme. Dengan gambar hologram asli pada sampulnya, sekitar 1.500 gambar dan foto berwarna pada kertas mengkilat, buku tersebut luar biasa dalam penampakan fisiknya. Selain itu, karya penting ini dilengkapi dengan VCD dokumenter Fossils Have Discredited Evolution (Fosil MembantahEvolusi). . . Anda dapat membeli buku ini langsung dari Global Publishing, atau membacanya secara gratis melalui Internet.
Dengan nama pena Harun Yahya, Adnan Oktar telah menulis sekitar 250 buku, yang keseluruhannya mencapai 46.000 halaman, dan memuat sekitar 31.500 gambar. Sekitar 7.000 dari keseluruhan halaman ini—dan 6.000 dari keseluruhan gambar tersebut—mengulas tentang keruntuhan Teori Evolusi.
Keruntuhan Teori Evolusi* . . . Kebohongan Sejarah: Zaman Batu . . . Darwinisme Terbantahkan* . . . Suatu Ketika Di Masa Lalu Terdapat Darwinisme . . . Keruntuhan Teori Evolusi Dalam 20 Pertanyaan* . . . Bencana Kemanusiaan Akibat Darwinisme* . . . Sel dalam 40 Topik . . . Mantra Hitam Darwinisme . . . Keruntuhan Teori Evolusi dalam 50 Topik . . . Desain Sempurna di Alam Semesta Bukanlah Karena Kebetulan . . . Senjata Sosial Darwinisme . . . Mengapa Darwinisme Bertentangan dengan Al Qur'an* . . . Kekeliruan Akademi Nasional Ilmu Pengetahuan Amerika . . . Keajaiban Ciptaan Allah* . . . Fasisme: Ideologi Berdarah Darwinisme . . . Menyibak Tabir Teori Evolusi* . . . Jawaban Pasti terhadap Propaganda Evolusionis . . . Agama Darwinisme . . . Bagaimana Fosil-Fosil Membantah Evolusi . . . Atlas Penciptaan (*Tersedia dalam bahasa Indonesia.)
Anda dapat membaca buku-buku karya Adnan Oktar (yang menulis dengan nama pena Harun Yahya) secara gratis di situs internet berikut: (bahasa Indonesia), dan Atau selain itu Anda dapat memesannya dalam bentuk cetak di

Source :

Buku baru dari Universitas Harvard memuat karya Harun Yahya

Universitas Harvard, satu dari pusat penelitian ilmiah terkemuka dunia, telah membuktikan bahwa kreasionisme (paham penciptaan) menjadi semakin bertambah kuat di dunia dan bahwa pusat dunia gerakan ini adalah karya Science Research Foundation (BAV)*. Edisi terakhir buku The Creationists, from Scientific Creationism to Intelligent Design (Kreasionis, dari Kreasionisme Ilmiah ke Perancangan Cerdas) menyediakan ruang khusus yang memuat karya BAV dalam menjelaskan fakta penciptaan. Bahasan tersebut terangkum dalam sebuah liputan berjudul“Creation Museums and the Rise of Global Creationism” (Museum Penciptaan dan Bangkitnya Kreasionisme Dunia) sebagaimana berikut:
Sebuah pemandangan yang tidak biasa terlihat, banyak bermunculan baru-baru ini—museum penciptaan. Museum penciptaan pertama Amerika dijadwalkan akan dibuka musim semi ini di Petersburg, Kentucky. Fasilitas senilai 26,4 juta dolar AS menampilkan robot dinosaurus bersuara dan gedung bioskop tercanggih dengan efek khusus (SFX theater), seluruhnya dirancang untuk meyakinkan para pengunjung bahwa Tuhan menciptakan dunia persis sebagaimana dipaparkan di dalam Alkitab.
Dan itu tidak hanya di Amerika Serikat. Sebagaimana segala sesuatu di masa kini, kreasionisme (paham penciptaan) sedang mendunia, sebagaimana dibuktikan oleh adanya kampanye menggelar museum-museum penciptaan dalam ukuran kecil di seantero Turki (satu yang khas, terletak di sebuah warung kebab di Istanbul, menyambut para pengunjung dengan foto Charles Darwin berbingkai darah yang menetes). Matt Mossman melaporkan dalam majalah SEED edisi bulan ini:
“Dalam kampanyenya yang terakhir, BAV [Bilim Arastirma Vakfi, atau "Science Research Foundation"] telah menggelar lebih dari 80 "museum" di rumah-rumah makan, pusat-pusat perbelanjaan, dan balai-balai kota di seluruh Turki, masing-masing musem dilengkapi dengan fosil, poster dan para sukarelawan yang bersemangat. Para pengikut Adnan Oktar [Harun Yahya] menggunakan siasat yang diambil dari organisasi-organisasi di Amerika Serikat seperti Institute for Creation Research di California, dengan memberitahu para pejalan kaki bahwa evolusi tidak mampu menjelaskan kerumitan makhluk hidup dan bahwa evolusi bertentangan dengan firman Tuhan.”
BAV menjalankan pekerjaan yang lumayan canggih, sebagaimana dibuktikan oleh situs internetnya, yang, menurut Mossman, menawarkan presentasi-presentasi Power Point yang dapat di-download dan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dapat digunakan para siswa untuk menantang para guru mereka yang cinta evolusi. Dan keterkaitannya dengan para pendukung paham penciptaan asal Amerika Serikat bukanlah sekedar kebetulan –juru bicara BAV pergi ke Amerika Serikat tahun lalu untuk memberikan kesaksian dalam dengar pendapat tentang perancangan cerdas (intelligent design) yang diselenggarakan oleh Kansas Board of Education (Dewan Pendidikan Negara Bagian Kansas). Di luar Amerika Serikat dan Turki, gerakan kreasionis di Inggris dan Australia (yang terlihat kuat secara khusus) mengesankan adanya kecenderungan dunia yang semakin meningkat.
Untuk beberapa lama, paparan rujukan tentang kebangkitan kreasionisme dunia adalah The Creationists: From Scientific Creationism to Intelligent Design (Kreasionis: Dari Kreasionisme Ilmiah hingga Perancangan Cerdas) karya Ronald Numbers. Di bulan November, HUP (Harvard University Press) akan menerbitkan edisi terperinci dari terbitan awal ini, yang melacak perkembangan pemikiran para penganut paham penciptaan selama berabad-abad. Dua bab baru memaparkan rentetan sejarah gerakan perancangan cerdas dan serangan baru kreasionisme dunia, yang dapat kita saksikan dalam contoh-contoh
di atas.

Jumat, 27 Juni 2008

Keeping bees to save our food supply

By Sami Grover, Special to The Chapel Hill News

Chatham County resident Amy Magrinat has just started her first year as an amateur beekeeper.

Having taken a bee-keeping course at Central Carolina Community College, and having read about the mysterious disappearances of honeybees around the country, Magrinat was keen to do something.

"With all the talk of colony collapse disorder, I just wanted to do something to protect our pollinating insects," she said. "So many of the crops we eat are reliant on the honey bee for pollination."

Amy bought two hives from local supplier Jack Spratt's Bees, and she has fallen in love with them. She says the whole process has been remarkably easy and a lot of fun.
"It's almost meditative," she said. "I can spend hours with my bees just watching them."
Magrinat is, of course, also excited about making local honey, and she has placed her bees next to her vegetable garden to get the full advantage of pollination for her beans and tomatoes. She laughs at the question of whether she's been stung or not.

"Everyone asks that!" she said. "I haven't, as yet, although I'm sure that time will come. They are bees after all. Most of the time they don't even notice I'm there, unless I do something to bother them."

Studies have shown that up to one-third of the human diet is derived from insect-pollinated plants, and the honey bee is responsible for 80 percent of this pollination. A 2000 Cornell University study concluded that the direct value of honey bee pollination to U.S. agriculture is more than $14.6 billion. More than 22 U.S. states reported significant losses of honeybees in the fall of 2006 as a result of colony collapse disorder.
Readers may write to Sami Grover at
The Chapel Hill News.

Source :

Kamis, 26 Juni 2008

The Quran and the Environment

By Prof. Karem S Ghoneim Faculty of Science.Al-Azhar University, Cairo

Control of Pollution in the Environment:According to scientists and philosophers man is considered as the major factor in disturbing the natural balance of the universe. Man interferes intentionally or unintentionally in the earth’s ecosystems by impairing its perfect order and precise sequence. But it seems that man has cut off his nose to spite his face and he now is the victim. Grave dangers are manifested in pollution of the air, water, soil, outer space and others, as well as the irrational exploitation of the environment’s resources, and inconsistent distribution of human settlements. All these factors have lead to different problems, all of which are marked by a disturbance to the earth’s natural balance.
Urban populations are concentrated in towns usually emerging close to one or more natural resources (water, oil, fuel, sea, etc.) which create a marked disturbance in the existing natural balance. This imbalance is mainly attributed to the increasing waste disposal (human or industrial), exploitation of resources and density in population. It must be admitted that man’s claims on the environment have overstepped the mark in many cases, creating a disruption to the natural balance of various bio- and eco-systems all over the world. This irresponsible behavior has lead to a depletion in the atmosphere and this poses the greatest threat worldwide.There are countless examples of disturbances to the environment. Forests have been removed, deserts have been encroached upon, and many species of plants and animals have disappeared throughout the world. All these affect the macro- environment because it is an integrated whole.The climate has changed and is in fact still changing due to unwise human activities. There are, however, natural and non-human induced reasons for the climate changes that should not be ignored, such as the pattern of the earth’s rotation around the sun and volcanic explosions. The over-use of wood, excessive removal of pasture land, and deforestation which destroys and eradicates magnitudes of the earth’s vegetation all play a role in raising the earth’s absorption of the sun. In addition, there is the high use of energy over and above man’s need, which raises the temperature of the atmosphere and thus affecting climate.
The over-use of non-renewable resources - oil, coal and natural gas - leads to a continuous increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which, in turn, raises the temperature.The ozone layer has been further exposed to destruction as a result of the exhausts of planes flying in the higher altitudes, as well as gases and fumes expelled from nitrogenous fertilizers and atmospheric pollution from factories. The danger of the depletion of the ozone can only be imagined when we realize to what extent the earth will be exposed to more carcinogenic rays. As a result the climate will altered worldwide, destroying the dense forests, reducing agricultural output and killing most living creatures except for insects which can withstand the ultraviolet rays.Man’s disruption to the natural balance of forests leads to various problems that are reflected on him as well as other creatures on earth. Soil is washed away, humus shrinks, rainwater runs in torrents, temperatures fluctuate, high and severe winds become more common and drought spreads globally.In addition to toxins expelled into the air and waste pumped into the water by factories, nuclear explosions, radioactive pollution, there is the problem of man-made chemical pesticides used to control pests which are injurious to the agricultural or animal wealth. Pesticides and other toxins interfere with the ecosystems and have destructive consequences that appear in all layers of the atmosphere, water, soil, and outer space. In attempting to eradicate or control these creatures which compete with man for survival and natural resources, man has designed deadly poison which he breathes in or drinks and eats through crops, meat and dairy produce.
The corrupters of the earth, whether those who deny God, practice injustice or go against the universal laws, are referred to by the following Quranic verses.“There is the type of man whose speech about this world’s life may dazzle thee, and he calls The God (Allah) to witness about what is in his heart: yet is he the most contentious of enemies? When he turns his back, his aim everywhere is to spread mischief through the earth and destroy crops and cattle. But Allah loves not mischief” (Al-Baqarah: verses 204 and 205)An incidence occurred prior to these verses being revealed. A man named Al-Akhnas Ibn Shuriq came to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to embrace Islam, but as he turned to leave, he happened to pass by a pasture and grazing animals. He set it alight and killed the cattle. The verses were sent down as a sign of Divine disapproval.This incident recurs over history on a wider scale involving millions of people throughout the earth. The natural wealth deposited by Allah for the benefit of mankind has been spoiled. Selfishness and aggression has overcome mankind, as they have become corrupters of earth, the surrounding atmosphere and neighboring outer space. Allah the Almighty says: “Mischief has appeared on the land and sea, because of (the need) that the hands of man have earned, that (Allah) may give them a taste of some of their deeds: in order that they may turn back (from evil).” (Ar-Rum: verse 41).
Mischief on the land and sea is inflicted by man’s unwary interference with the natural laws and environmental systems that are ultimately against his own interests. Environment pollution, which is tantamount to the disruption of natural balance, is the main form of corruption on earth.As Allah created man on earth, he decreed that man should preserve this habitat. He gave man the right to invest in it and benefit from it. He enjoined upon man not to cause mischief anywhere. He addresses whoever may think of disturbing the natural balance, the earthly equilibrium, or inflicting injustice.“Seek not mischief in the land, for Allah loves not those who do mischief.” (Al-Qasas: verse 77)Islam and its Ummah is moderate, where its people do not consider nature and cosmic objects as deities, but at the same time do not tamper with or spoil them. The relationship between the Muslim and the universe is one of harmonious benefit and use. When Allah takes an oath by some creatures, he draws attention to the fact that man should recognize their value and take care of them.“By the sun and his splendor. By the moon as it follows him. By the day as it shows up (the sun’s) glory. By the night as it conceals it. By the firmament and its structure. By the earth and its expanse.”(Ash-Shams: verses 1-6)“By the night as it conceals (the light). By the day as it appears in glory. By the creation of male and female. “(Al-Lail: verses 1-3)“I call to witness the siting of the stars. And that is indeed a mighty adjuration if you but-knew, That this is indeed a Quran most honorable. “(Al-Waqi`ah: verse 75-77)With such an adjuration and call for revering other creatures and aspects of His creation, Allah urges man to jettison bashfulness towards them because such an attitude does not yield progress or civilization. Removing the beauty of these creatures and failing to draw the benefit from them causes man to neither gain in morals nor lead him to progress or civilization.Controlling Noise Pollution:Noise leads to environmental, psychological and physical harms. There is evidence that inhabitants of large cities suffer from fatigue and psychosomatic disorders due to constant exposure to noise. Although noise has been considered harmful or at least unpleasant, noise pollution has been regarded as the worst negative effect of the industrial era, and a characteristic of industrially developed societies. Yet, little attention has been given to it, as pollutants of the air or the water have tended to take precedence. This is due to the following factors: noise is caused by a variety of sources everywhere. It is not easily targeted; the effect of noise disappears as it stops, without leaving a lasting trace on the environment, although continuous exposure to noise leads to certain disorders, as explained below; noise is a domestic or local environmental pollutant. Unlike water and air, its effects do not spread from one country to another.What is the definition of noise?According the Encyclopedia Americana, it is the pressure that harms man and other animals. Sir. A. Wilson Committee of Noise Affairs defines it as the sound that is undesirable to the receiver. A recent definition of noise is that it is a form of environmental pollution that is not less dangerous than the man-made toxins.Noise is measured by “phon” and “decibel” (dB) - the former being the unit of sound pitch, the latter being the unit of its pressure or impact. At 1000 Hertz, phon = 100dB, at 3500 Hertz: 100 phon=89 dB, and at 50 Hertz: 100 phon= 110db. The decibel is the minimum of the difference between two sounds detectable by the human ear. At zero, the sound is very low. It rises gradually until 130 dB at which degree it becomes painful, Scientists have determined the noise values of some sounds in nature and measured them in dB:-Natural breathing -10dB;-Rush of tree leaves in breeze-50 dB; -Traffic in a crowded street - 70 dB; -A large water fall- 90 dB; -A nearby machinegun - 130 dB -Aircraft taking off-140dB; -A rocket in lift-off - 175 dB.Sounds are divided into the following categories: very quiet, quiet, audible, medium, high, and noisy. The last category is painful at 130 dB. There are several sources producing this noise: -Some natural sources like thunder, storms, clashing waves, dogs barking, wind, waterfalls, avalanches, fires, etc. -Man-made noise coming from agricultural and industrial equipment, transportation etc, and even household tools, machines and instruments. In major cities one kind of noise is known as the “ambient or background noise”, which means everything one may hear at home, in the street and at work, created by planes - particularly jets - traffic, street vendors, children playing, radios and other audio sets, washing machines, factory machinery, workshops, live bands, etc.
The dangerous effects of noiseNoise has seriously bad effects on the human ear. But does it have physical, psychological or social effects?1) The auditory damage:The level of noise in major cities and urban centers has become so serious that it will be a danger to public health if it continues at the present rate. Although noise has existed around man for millions of years, its medical dangers have only been recognized since 1930, when homes were used in different kinds of vehicles running inside and between cities. One of the earliest studies on the biological effects of noise was that sponsored by US Naval research office under the supervision of the University of Chicago, and published in early December in 1953. It indicated that US marines who worked in noisy conditions suffered from excessive fatigue, occasional nausea, and loss of libido.Reports filed by research committees in the following decades indicated that more than 20 million people were suffering from noise-induced hearing loss in the US alone, as noise was the most prominent of the environmental pollutants. A study concluded in 1968 by the Federal Council of Science and Technology (specific committee for the environment) warned that about 4.5 million workers might apply for compensation for loss of hearing.Excessive noise damages thousands of cells in the ear leading to an immediate loss of hearing, which happens in explosions and wars. Constant exposure to noise may lead to a gradual damage of the cells and a gradual loss of hearing. Deafness may even result from a bullet fired or an explosion. In the former case, deafness results from auditory waves, whereas in the second it results from pressure waves. The pathological disorders in that case involve the outer ear, as the drum congests and may be pierced due to mechanical changes. It also involves the middle ear, as the parts may be torn and loose, then bleed and an aqueous fluid can subsequently appear in it.Deafness means a weakening in the hearing. It may be temporary, partial or complete. The human ear can endure sounds safely up to 60 dB, but may be injured by more intensive sounds that affect it constantly or temporarily. Deafness happens at the following stages:

Weakness in hearing for a short period that may disappear after some minutes or hours (with occasional loud noises in factories, workshops or crowded places).
Constant weakness, due to which one fails to hear a quiet talking (usually resulting from continuous daily exposure to high noise).

Complete permanent deafness (resulting from a continuous daily exposure to very high noise like explosions and bombs).

Records on workers in Sweden indicate that many are exposed to loud machinery noise daily. About 5000 people suffered hearing loss in 1973 and the figure rose to 16,000 in 1977. An official report of the Environment Affairs Council in US issued in 1970 indicated that about 16 million industrial workers faced the risk of losing their jobs due to the weakness in their hearing abilities. 2) Non-Auditory Damage:The Fetus: The fetus floats on fluids that protect it from jerking movements, but barely from noise. It can hear internal sounds (the mother’s heart beat, the movement of the intestines, and the air in her lungs) as well as external sounds (the mother’s voice and any surrounding sounds or voices). Studies indicate that the fetus experiences muscular spasms if the mother is exposed to excessive noise. It develops a response similar to the post-delivery - “Motor reflex action”. The heartbeat of the fetus, after its sixth month, accelerates if the mother is exposed to extreme noise. Research conducted on animal fetuses, when human cases are difficult to study, reveal bone deformities in the fetuses whose mothers were exposed to noise that led to a hormone imbalance.
The Nervous System, the Circulatory System and the Endocrine Glands:Extreme noise affects the nervous system, and creates electric pulses that travel through the nerve fibers to the brain cortex, the highest functional region in the brain. The cells of the cortex are stimulated to identify incoming noise. Sub-cortex regions are also affected, particularly the reticular formation (a lump of cells at the base of the brain) which is directly related to the higher layers of the brain up to the meninges, as well as the spinal cord. Consequently, the autonomic nervous system, particularly the sympathetic system is stimulated. The latter controls the circulatory system (the heart and the blood vessels), the function of the endocrine glands and the digestive system - particularly the stomach. Disorders of varied intensity occur according to the intensity and duration of the noise, and are reflected in several physical disorders.Medical studies also indicate that noise leads to higher rates of cholesterol and tri-glyceride in the blood, which blocks the blood vessels and leads to heart attacks and heart failure. Excessive production of the corticosteroid hormones is related to heart attacks, and is caused by the effect of noise on the adrenal gland.3) Psychological and Social Damage:Man - and animals - behaves properly when in a stable, normal mental state, according to the observations of psycho-sociologist Charles Kort and some of his colleagues. The study showed 2567 cases of people who live in noisy areas and heavy traffic in Holland. Psychological studies on industrial workers indicate that those who are subject to high-density noise suffer from irritability, dizziness, headaches, moodiness and anxiety.Children are naturally more affected by noise than adults. The mental capacities of school pupils are influenced by the surrounding noise, for example near airports where they feel distracted and frustrated. Children under 7 are the most sensitive to noise, as they become annoyed and often cry if they hear a sudden loud sound.Soft music calms the nerves, whereas the loud music and jerky movements performed by young people in nightclubs leads to severe tension due to the effect of amplifiers, not to mention the auditory harms indicated earlier.Calmness relaxes the nerves, noise irritates them: Concentration and deep contemplation need a calm atmosphere to allow the person to be creative. The noise from a wedding down the street to me has compelled me to stop at this point until the street is calm once again.Generally, life in a big city like Cairo is full of noise. An intellectual can hardly be creative in such an atmosphere. Like all major cities, the roaring of machines and the clinging of steel conceal the humming of bees and the twittering of birds. Chimneys and discharged toxic smokes replace the gardens and parks that gave sweet smells. Noise also disturbs those sleeping, leading to muscular contractions, so that one wakes up feeling tired rather than fresh.Now, in the Glorious Quran, are the verses that call to avoid noise, such as the following:“Neither speak thy prayer aloud, nor speak it in a low tone, but seek a middle course between.” (Al-Israa: verse 110)“O you who believe, raise not your voices above the voice of the Prophet. Nor speak aloud to him in talk, as you may speak aloud to one another, lest your deeds become void and you perceive not. Those that lower their voices in the presence of the apostle of Allah – their hearts has Allah tested for piety: for them is forgiveness and a great Reward.” (Al-Hujurat: verse 2,3).“And be moderate in thy pace, and lower thy voice, for the harshest of sounds without doubt is the braying of the ass .” (Luqman: verse 19) The Quran and the Sunnah enjoin quietude and self-control as well as caring for the feelings of others, and avoiding anything that can hurt them: even a loud voice. The first verse orders Muslims not to voice their prayer too loud, nor in an inaudible voice. They should seek a middle course in the “jahriyah” (in Arabic, articulated so as to be heard) in prayer and not the “sirriyah” (in Arabic; sub-vocalized). In the second verse, the Muslims are asked to lower their voices in the presence of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The injunction is both particular and general. Noise must generally be avoided particularly in solemn gatherings. The last verse carries Luqman’s exhortations to his son, and approves of them. The exhortations of previous prophets and apostles that are mentioned in the Quran are meant to be a source of advice to Muslims. In Luqman’s exhortation, the son is advised to lower his voice, and avoid speaking unnecessarily loud. To instill this message, he uses the metaphor of the braying ass, which implies that any pollutant of the environment or anything that is conducive to public discomfort is just as unpleasant and hateful.At the time of Prophet (peace be upon him) his Companions were considering how to call for the five daily prayers at their appointed time. Suggestions included blowing a horn, drumming or ringing of bells, but all were turned down by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Allah revealed to one of the Companions a procedure in calling the prayer. He proposed it to Prophet who approved of it. But the Prophet chose Bilal to do so.In conclusion, it should be noted that the noise pervading some so-called Islamic countries has nothing to do with Islam. Unless the teachings, principles and the code of behavior approved by Islam are adhered to, one can not pretend to be a real Muslim.

Pollution in the Natural Environment and Ethical Environment Pollution is any quantitative or qualitative change in the animate of inanimate components that cannot be accommodated by the ecological systems without disturbing their balance. Before the industrial revolution there were no problems with pollution as the natural cycles of ecological systems could easily accommodate and recycle the waste of the different human activities.Pollution as a quantitative change only rises as the rates increase of some natural components in the environment, such as the rise in carbon dioxide due to massive forest fires. Quantitative change may also occur as a result of a slight addition to a certain material in a sensitive area, such as oil spillages from tankers due to accidents or defects. It also occurs as a result of introducing lethal or toxic materials, even in their normal concentrations, such a mercury, carbon oxides and radioactive material.Qualitative pollution results from the addition of synthetic or industrial compounds foreign to the natural ecological systems, which accumulate in water, air, food, or soil. Foremost among these are insecticides and herbicides. Pesticides containing chlorine, like DDT, have proven to be the most dangerous compound.Pollution is one form of corruption (“fasal” in Arabic) mentioned in the Glorious Quran eight times. Counting the derivations of the word “fasal” mentioned elsewhere in the Quran raises the number to 49. “Fasal” involves physical corruption like disrupting the environmental phenomena and the contents of the universe (water, soil, food) by foolish human interference in the natural balance created by Allah the Almighty, Who did so wisely, perfectly and infallibly to fit the life of all creatures.Water pollution in general means polluting water streams, wells, rivers, seas, rain and underground water in such a way that makes it unfit for man, animals, plants, or the sea and ocean creatures. Air pollution involves the discharge of gases, smoke and fumes (the solid, liquid and gaseous forms of matter) into the air surrounding living creatures, and the change of its natural composition. This leads ultimately to the unsuitability of the habitat, contrary to what Allah willed for His creatures. Physiological, economic and biological damages are, in fact, devastating to man, animals, plants and other creatures. It is highly portentous that pollution reached places hitherto unthinkable. The rate of lead in snow in Greenland was found to be higher than the rate some decades ago. This is a peculiar phenomenon as the island is almost deserted. It has no cars or factories. Finally, it was concluded that this high rate was attributed to the winds, which carried the vapor, smoke and gases from European factories to such remote territories.Soil pollution is a form of corruption of the natural properties and compositions created by Allah to serve vegetation and the preservation of pure rainwater. Air pollutants can affect the water and soil also, since air, water and soil are systems that are closely interrelated.Any form of reverting the straight-forwardness enjoined in the saying of Muhammad: “Say believe in Allah, then be straight forward,” pollutes life in this world. The necessities of life are to be obtained honestly. Theft, bribery, embezzlement, and such things pollute what one does for a living. Islam defines the relationship between people and the society, and between them and the vast universe on the bases of love, amity, peace, cooperation, fraternity, and the rejection of grievances, envy, hatred and hard feelings. All forms of hatred, envy, spoiling the relationships between people, terrorizing the peaceful, usurping land and property, looting and plundering, or involving the world in destructive wars was are pollution of the security and stability of life. Marriage is the proper form of satisfying the sexual activity. Adultery, fornication or homosexuality and such things are a pollution of the souls and the purity of genealogies.The moral environment is the mental state of an individual, a group, or a country, within which the international acts of the individuals occur. It may be so wide as to include several countries or continents if their populations belong to one moral code and live according to a comprehensive moral ground.This environment may be good or evil. A good moral environmental encompasses the individuals of a society who live by certain morals like tolerance, patience, endurance, generosity, chivalry, courage, justice, charity, humility, pride and high energy and others. An evil moral environment is one pervaded by low morals like treachery, lying, cheating, trickery, panic, roughness, permissiveness, spouse insolence, indecency, slander, hypocrisy, arrogance, despair, etc.Islam commends kindness and calls for spreading virtues among people. It lays down, the foundations for a healthy moral environment. The Messenger of Allah, Muhammad Ibn Abdullah (peace be upon him) is the epitome of this code. The Quran describes him in may ways.The Prophet was enjoined to observe good manners and behaviour. The order applies to all Muslims:“Repel (evil) with what is belief: Then will he between whom and thee was haired become as it were thy friend and intimate.”(Fussilat: verse 34)The Messenger of Allah says that he has been sent to perfect the virtuous morals. This means that the previous heavenly messenger came to call for the worship of Allah alone and then for the virtues. Muhammad (peace be upon him) came to complete the framework of virtues.


By : Harun Yahya

Darwin's portraying human beings as a developed species of animal and his presentation of some races as not yet having completed their development, and as species closer to animals was intensely dangerous and destructive in human history. Those who took this claim of Darwin's as their guide mercilessly oppressed other races, forced them to live under the harshest conditions, and even exterminated them.

Bryan Appleyard, author of the book Brave New Worlds, explains the tyrannical mentality underlying racism, and the results of it, in this way:
The point is that once people decide you are a lesser creature for whatever reason, either superstitious or scientific, there appears to be no limit to what cruelty they may inflict on you. And they are likely to inflict that cruelty feeling fully justified, because it is but a small step from believing another human being is inferior to believing that he is bad, dangerous, or threatening to 'superior' beings. Indeed, some may generalize the point even further and insist that all 'inferior' beings are dangerous because they threaten the life or health of the entire human race. They may then advocate sterilization, restrictions on marriage, or even murder to prevent the outcast's assault on the integrity of the species. (Bryan Appleyard, Brave New Worlds, Harper Collins Publishers, London 1999, pp. 49-50)
All human beings, however, are created the same. Human beings carry the soul God breathed into them. Every human being, with no racial difference, thinks, feels, loves, suffers, feels excitement, and knows love, affection, and compassion. And every human being also knows tyranny, contempt, and difficulty. For this reason, all though history, those who believe people of other races to be semi-developed animals and mistreat them, those who offend, oppress, exploit even one person, and those who support these practices with the false evidence and theories they produced, have committed a great sin in their ignorance.

In our time there exist cultures of relatively undeveloped human societies. These people have all human characteristics, but they lack those criteria which, from technical and cultural aspects, generally rule the world. But in each one there exist all the features, customs, and habits common to humanity. Those with hidden agendas, and those who have seen advantage in racism, enthusiastically embraced Darwin's theory and accepted these people, who were no different from other humans, as members of an inferior race and even animals. As a result of this view, even in our day people have emerged who oppress and despise backward people and communities on the grounds they have not evolved sufficiently.

God, however, completely forbids racism. In God's sight the only superiority is a person's character, his avoiding all types of sin and rebellion, degeneracy and deviation, and the superior morality deriving from his piety. Apart from his piety no human can have any superiority to any other deriving from any of his features. God reveals this in a verse:

Mankind! We created you from a male and female, and made you into peoples and tribes so that you might come to know each other. The noblest among you in God's sight is the one with the most piety (who best performs his duty to God). God is All-Knowing, All-Aware. (Surat al-Hujurat: 13).


By : Harun Yahya

It is true that Allah (God) may test a person in this world with certain difficulties and worries. However, the believer does not give in to melancholy and pessimism when he is faced with such anxieties; he does not react emotionally. He knows that Allah is trying him to see how he will behave in difficulty, and that the solution is not to turn to weeping or sorrowful regret. The solution lies in seeking help from Allah, "Who responds to the oppressed when they call on Him and removes their distress" (Qur'an, 27:62), relying only on Him, and in being certain that Allah will hear his prayers and grant his requests. This is the promise of Allah to His servants:

Yes, the friends of Allah will feel no fear and will know no sorrow: those who believe and have done their duty, there is good news for them in the life of the world and in the hereafter. There is no changing the words of Allah. That is the great victory! (Surah Yunus: 62-64)
Moreover, Allah creates such trying moments of anxiety and difficulty for a very special reason. When someone looks with the eyes of faith, and sees the reasons behind all the beauty that Allah has created, he will be moved to compassion, and his contentment will increase. Therefore, submission to Allah brings a sense of calm to the spirit, and allows one to live with peace of mind.
Emotionalism, on the other hand, completely alienates people from the awareness of being in Allah's hands, and leads them to react to situations with excessive pleasure, or exaggerated pain and sorrow. Allah explains in the Qu'ran the wavering of such people between hopelessness and arrogance, and the difference between them and believers:
If We let man taste mercy from Us, and then take it away from him, he is despairing, ungrateful; but if We let him taste blessings after hardship has afflicted him, he says, "My troubles have gone away," and he is overjoyed, boastful except for those who are steadfast and do right actions. They will receive forgiveness and a large reward. (Surah Hud: 9-11)
Emotionalism shows itself most often in women as sadness, pessimism, weeping and whinniness, while in men it appears generally as anger, irascibility, and aggression. For example, when an emotional man sees that his place in a parking garage has been taken by someone else, he will shout and kick the intruding car. Or, if someone bumps into him on the sidewalk by mistake, he will easily lose his temper. Or, if his son or daughter left the house and forgot the key inside, if a waiter is late bringing the bill, if a secretary makes him wait on telephone, or if he is irritated by traffic, he will say the first thing that comes to his mind. Confronted with problems that a rational person could deal with easily, even without occupying his mind with the hundreds of details involved, an emotional person would react in an unnecessarily exaggerated manner. And, most of the time, he merely harms himself and ends up humiliated.
Emotionalism in men takes the form of anger and irascibility, and is often regarded as the quality of a "tough-guy" or "macho." This psychology is merely an amalgam of anger and romanticism, while most of those affected by it are unbalanced, and have a tendency to lose their temper, or "go off the handle." As a result of a moment of rashness, they may hurt or injure someone, or even kill; their victim could easily be a total stranger. Pages of newspapers are often filled with the crimes and offences committed by this type of personality. An evening that might have begun pleasantly could suddenly come to an end when an emotional man becomes irritated and hits a friend or someone near him. Walking in the street he may pull out a knife and stab some unknown person who "looked at him sideways." For that one minute, he may give in to his passions, and then end up spending the rest of his life in prison. More importantly, if he kills, or otherwise harms someone, without just cause, he will have committed a grave sin in the sight of Allah.
Irascible emotionalism in a person is a potential danger that can erupt out at any time, and have very serious repercussions. An emotional person may become angry if someone makes a wrong move in traffic, or if someone he does not know looks at him in such a way as to make him uncomfortable, or because of some simple misunderstanding, then act in such a way as to only bring upon himself all sorts of trouble and pain.
A clear example of the unreasonableness that emotionalism gives rise to can be seen in the brutish behaviour of some fans after a football match. They assault people they do not know, and nearly kill them with meat cleavers, knives and clubs. Their minds and consciences are blinded by the satanic weapon of emotionalism, truly a grave plague on society. But, Allah commands human beings to avoid Satan, to establish peace and security, not anger and conflict.
You who believe! Enter absolutely into peace (Islam). Do not follow in the footsteps of Satan. He is an outright enemy to you. (Surat al-Baqara: 208)
The Prophet Mohammed also preached serenity among the believers, saying "The strong is not the one who overcomes the people with his strength, but the strong is the one who controls himself while in anger."
Here, it is necessary to distinguish between sentimentality and rationality. Anger and hate felt in response to acts of cruelty and evil make a person more sensitive to and aware of justice, peace and goodness, and motivate him to strive for the eradication of that cruelty and evil, for its prevention, and for the protection of the rights of the weak and the innocent. If the sense of justice that Allah gave to humanity is not controlled by the will and wisdom, it can be diverted from its true purpose, and flare up against the fans of an opposing sports club. People who do not have a strong will and wisdom cannot restrain their emotions, and can be led from the true path into whatever direction satan may desire. In another verse, Allah warns humanity against Satan:
You who believe! Do not follow in the footsteps of satan. Anyone who follows in Satan's footsteps should know that he commands indecency and wrongdoing. Were it not for Allah's favour to you and His mercy, not one of you would ever have been purified. But Allah purifies whoever He wills. Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. (Surat an-Nur:21).

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Profesor Belanda: Psikologi ala Darwin Ternyata Keliru

Ilmu psikologi yang dijelaskan berlandaskan teori evolusi Darwin ternyata keliru, kata para pakar. Metoda dan datan tidak bisa dijadikan bukti. Psikologi evolusioner ala Darwin mulai tumbang !–Pakar biologi asal Belanda, Johan J. Bolhuis, yang juga presiden Royal Dutch Zoological Society, baru-baru ini menulis di terbitan ilmiah pro-evolusi terkemuka, Science, 6 Juni 2008. Di jurnal itu, profesor di Institute of Biology, Leiden University, Belanda ini membedah sebuah buku penting yang baru terbit, Evolutionary Psychology as Maladapted Psychology (Psikologi Evolusioner sebagai Psikologi Salah Tempat), karya Robert C. Richardson.
Buku tersebut membongkar kekeliruan penerapan teori evolusi Darwin di bidang psikologi. Pendekatan evolusi ini menarik perhatian kalangan masyarakat luas karena, sebagaimana dituturkan Bolhuis, seringkali menyentuh bahasan-bahasan seperti birahi manusia, seks dan nafsu.
Psikologi ala Darwin
Dalam ulasannya yang berjudul “Psychology: Piling On the Selection Pressure” di majalah Science itu, Johan J Bolhuis menyatakan bahwa Charles Darwin memperluas cakupan teori evolusi dalam buku The Origin of Species-nya untuk menjelaskan kemampuan berpikir pada manusia. Ini dituangkan Darwin dalam bukunya yang lain, The Descent of Man, di mana Darwin berpendapat bahwa sifat-sifat pada diri manusia seperti moralitas dan emosi muncul melalui evolusi.
Dalam perkembangan selanjutnya, para pakar di bidang psikologi yang datang kemudian lalu mengekor jejak sang guru Charles Darwin, berusaha menerapkan teori evolusi untuk menjelaskan akal pikiran manusia, atau yang dikenal dengan istilah evolutionary psychology (psikologi evolusioner, yakni psikologi yang dijelaskan menurut teori evolusi). Lebih khusus lagi, psikologi evolusioner mengemukakan bahwa akal pikiran manusia terdiri dari simpul-simpul daya pikir yang berevolusi sebagai tanggapan atas tekanan seleksi yang dihadapi nenek moyang manusia pada Zaman Batu.
Evolusi adalah ideologi
Awalnya berupaya menjelaskan asal usul keanekaragaman makhluk hidup dengan menihilkan pencipta, teori evolusi pun lalu merambah ke ranah psikologi manusia. Ini menyiratkan betapa evolusi bukanlah sekedar teori di bidang biologi semata. Lebih luas dari itu, evolusi adalah ideologi atau akidah ateis materialis, yang diterima benar secara dogmatis, meski tanpa bukti nyata, dan dijadikan penganutnya sebagai cara pandang serta pijakan dalam mengembangkan ilmu-ilmu lain, termasuk psikologi manusia.
Karena dijadikan landasan dogma tanpa bukti di bidang psikologi evolusioner, tidak heran jika terjadi kejumudan dengan menolak penjelasan selainnya. Bolhuis menegaskan permasalahan penting ini:
“The main problem with evolutionary psychology is that it usually does not consider alternative explanations but takes the assumption of adaptation through natural selection as given.”Permasalahan utama dengan psikologi evolusioner adalah biasa tidak dipertimbangkannya penjelasan-penjelasan alternatif tapi menjadikan anggapan (asumsi) adaptasi melalui seleksi alam sebagai kebenaran yang wajib diterima.
Perkataan di atas adalah bukti jelas yang menggambarkan sifat teori evolusi yang tidak mencerminkan teori ilmiah, melainkan akidah, dogma ataupun ideologi yang wajib diterima dengan menutup diri dari penjelasan lain.
Tak punya bukti
Sang pengarang buku Evolutionary Psychology as Maladapted Psychology, Robert Richardson, adalah pendukung evolusi, yang percaya bahwa kemampuan psikologis manusia merupakan sifat yang terevolusi. Meskipun begitu, filsuf asal University of Cincinnati itu menyatakan bahwa penafsiran psikologi evolusioner dari sudut pandang biologi evolusi adalah salah. Richardson sampai pada kesimpulan tersebut berdasarkan kajiannya yang berpegang teguh pada ilmu pengetahuan, terutama pada metoda-metoda ilmiah yang digunakan dalam penelitian di bidang tersebut.
Menurut Bolhuis, karya Richardson ini merupakan pelengkap karya yang telah terbit sebelumnya, yang juga memberikan bantahan telak terhadap penerapan teori evolusi selama ini di bidang psikologi. Karya yang lebih dulu terbit tahun 2005 itu berjudul Adapting Minds (Akal Yang Beradaptasi), yang juga karya pendukung evolusi, David Buller, pakar filsafat asal Northern Illinois University. Berbeda dari Richardson, karya Buller lebih terperinci, menitikberatkan pada bukti-bukti dan memberikan penafsiran lain.
Para pakar psikologi evolusioner seringkali bersikukuh dengan pendapat mereka hingga timbul kesan bahwa kemampuan nalar manusia hanya dapat dipahami berdasarkan sejarah evolusi manusia. Akan tetapi dalam kajiannya, sebagaimana dituangkan di banyak tempat dalam bukunya Evolutionary Psychology as Maladaptive Psychology, Richardson berkesimpulan bahwa tidak ada bukti sejarah yang dapat digunakan untuk merekonstruksi evolusi kemampuan berpikir manusia.
Contoh nyatanya adalah kemampuan berbahasa pada manusia. Penjelasan yang cenderung digunakan dalam psikologi evolusioner adalah bahwa proses evolusi mendorong kemunculan keterampilan berbahasa tersebut untuk digunakan dalam kelompok masyarakat kompleks. Dengan kata lain, ada kebutuhan akan bahasa. Richardson berpendapat bahwa para pakar fosil mustahil akan menemukan bukti-bukti yang dapat memberikan informasi tentang tatanan sosial masyarakat nenek moyang manusia.
Rekaan belaka
Bahkan kalaupun bukti-bukti yang diperlukan dalam pengkajian kemampuan berpikir manusia berdasarkan psikologi evolusioner dapat dikumpulkan, hal ini tidak akan menghasilkan pengetahuan tentang mekanisme kemampuan berpikir manusia, ulas Bolhuis yang juga menjabat sebagai profesor tamu di Department of Zoology, University of Salzburg, Austria. Sebab, kajian tentang evolusi berkutat pada rekonstruksi sejarah sifat-sifat manusia.
Kajian tersebut tidak, dan tidak dapat, menelaah mekanisme yang terlibat pada otak manusia, yang merupakan bidang kajian ilmu saraf dan psikologi kognitif. Dengan demikian pengkajian psikologi berlandaskan teori evolusi tidak akan pernah berhasil, karena berupaya menjelaskan mekanisme-mekanisme tapi secara tidak tepat mengacu pada sejarah mekanisme-mekanisme tersebut. Ini diibaratkan sang pengarang seperti menjelaskan struktur tanaman anggrek dengan merujuk pada keindahannya.
Di akhir ulasannya mengenai buku Evolutionary Psychology as Maladapted Psychology (Psikologi Evolusioner sebagai Psikologi Salah Tempat), profesor Bolhuis mengatakan bahwa hasil kajian Richardson mengungkap betapa kajian psikologi berdasarkan teori evolusi sebagian besarnya adalah rekaan semata:
In this excellent book, Richardson shows very clearly that attempts at reconstruction of our cognitive history amount to little more than "speculation disguised as results."
Dalam buku luar biasa ini, Richardson memperlihatkan dengan sangat gamblang bahwa upaya-upaya dalam penyusunan ulang sejarah kemampuan berpikir kita sedikit lebih dari “rekaan yang disamarkan sebagai hasil.” (Science 6 Juni 2008, Vol. 320. no. 5881, hal. 1293).
Atau sebagaimana diulas pula dalam editorial buku terbitan The MIT Press ( tersebut:
It is speculation rather than sound science--and we should treat its claims with skepticism. ([Psikologi evolusioner] itu lebih merupakan rekaan daripada ilmu pengetahuan yang mapan – dan kita sepatutnya memperlakukan pernyataan-pernyataannya dengan keraguan).
Mudah-mudahan psikologi evolusioner yang terbukti keliru ini, namun telah lama diajarkan di dunia akademis, tak terkecuali di lembaga pendidikan tinggi terkemuka di Indonesia, semakin mendapatkan pencerahan alternatif. Semoga. [as/science/MITpress/